Samael black seal?

What is that Black seal/circle that Samael casts when he is about to punish/trap? other spirit?

i already saw that 2 times(first 2 yearts ago,second not so much time ago) and i was never able not even to draw 1% of it,huge huge …
i am just supposing that it must be something to fight something,i have no idea…

somebody proly know what i am talking about,i hope

Is it this one


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it is a big seal all black with a high number of details in it,it is impossible to draw as i tried two times but there is no way to draw,he already showed me it two times and i dont know how to find the meaning,if he is communicating via symbols,i need to be able to decipher it but i tried and was not sucessfull again for two times…
about the sigils that you showed me,the second maybe a little similar but the size is very different and full of geometrical symbols/details
i already asked one time somebody,well i am stuck with it for years and from time to time i try to back at this symbol that i never was able to decipher,that make me unease because i know that it is proly something important that i need to know the meaning,lets see if i can finnaly solve this with the help of more ppl

all right,then let me rephrase my doubt,as english is not my first language i may not find the right context,let me try again

what is the symbolism involved in the operations with him,i already have my personal Sigil,i already saw him manifested a couple of times,he doesnt talk much and seems to put alot of informations in the mind using symbolism,which is different than when he painted the sigil slowly,the symbolism that came after was like a waterfall of images/symbols,during this act,you dont have control of the things that you think and you cannot stop the whole thing until it reach the end.
i may need some coordinates of how to procede and what to do,i dont see much people talking about him and yes i already saw all the information about him here on forum but even the content being big it is nothing deep on the subject.
i found a guy on a post that was describing the relation of both Samael X Lucifer,intersting post but short,i am stuck with the symbolism which i dont know the meaning

well i will continue to research until i find out

You need to call on him again., this time ask that he reveal it to you IN SECTIONS, and that if he wishes you to know it, the whole thing is overwhelming you and that you need to have it shown in stages.

Ask this, and if he wants you to have it, he should be willing to reveal it in sections, they know our minds are on a different level and there’s nothing bad about that.