Ryce's Guide to Beginning Energy Work

Hello BALG. This post is long. It will eventually be an accumulation of techniques and practices that I have learned/been taught over the years that I have found work for me, and that I think are good for beginners just starting out. It will have hopefully frequent edits. None of this is anything ‘new’ but I think it would be nice to have a place to put ‘everything’ in one spot, from my own point of view.

This is something I have been sitting for a while. It’s become something of an anxiety to my psyche, releasing ‘my version’ of a practical energy working guide to those who do not know where or how to start, or even what ‘energy working’ is. This is a bare bones guide to basic energetic practices that have served me well in what I call ‘on the fly magick’ or magick to manifest my will without the use of tools or incantations. Just a directing of will. Usually the results are favorable or more favorable to the practitioner the more practiced they become. You do not have to treat like a training regime, but true masters have literally applied and mastered the basics. They have a solid foundation to build upon. It is from the basic ‘easy’ techniques that the more advanced techniques (and forms) come from. It would be wise not to confuse ‘I can do this’ with apparent ‘mastery’. There is always work to be done, always ways you can improve yourself and be better.

Energy work is an umbrella term that encompasses a number of different disciplines which all have a myriad of applications in real life. Anything from creating Servitors to the Empathic reading and manipulation of emotion to practices such as telekinesis. I use ‘Energy Work’ as a term to define what I am doing - simply raising and directing power to manifest my will onto physical reality.

I present this guide not as a ‘master’ but as a fellow seeker and learner. I am going to start out with beginning practices and the bread and butter of energy work.

Sensing Energy and Raising Power

It is hard to hit targets that one cannot see. Humans have an innate roadblock to the metaphysical world, because it is a subtler place often unsensed by those without training and the determination and grit to stick with a practice. We rely on the physical senses to such a degree that it will hinder progress in the unseen. Seeing is believing is a common turn of phrase. With Energy Work you often won’t see the power you are directing, but you will be able to see the results of your work. That is not to say, energy, when condensed enough, cannot become a physical thing or manifest visibly (such as balls of light), but those occurrences are the outliers in this work and the techniques to achieve manifestation at that level are even beyond me to produce consistently.

To begin to sense energy, it is perhaps easiest to start with yourself. The ability to sense your own internal energy will come gradually and with practice. When I first started energy work, sensing energy was one the most frustrating things for me to do. I was not gifted by any regard, but I worked at it. Day by day.

To get a sense of your internal power, you need to start by calming your mind. You don’t need to be completely blank or anything. Just take a few deep breaths and be able to focus on the task at hand. After the deep breaths, you need to focus your attention inside your body. Breathe and note how it feels, the feeling of your lungs filling with air, the heat of your body radiating from your skin, the subtle pulsing of your heart. You can feel the physical processes of your body if you take a moment to just note what is happening. These things usually taken for granted, gaining an awareness from your conscious mind, will stir a noting of even subtler forces within.

Once you have an awareness of your body, you are going to see it full and brimming with energy and power. For me it was easiest to envision my body as a blue mass that responds to my thoughts. Which, it already does. Your mind puppets your physical body, and your mind can manipulate your internal energy as well. Next you are going to hold out your hands, palms facing each other, like you are holding a small ball. Then just notice what you feel. You feel the heat from your physical body, but as you do this, you will begin to notice something else. Its kind of hard to describe, but a sort of magnetism or tingling in the area that you are focusing on. What you are feeling here, with your hands, is your own aura.

Now, if you are a beginner, you might not feel anything just holding your hands out like that. It is OK. The feeling will come with practice. This feeling of nothing is normal, but it is also why most books and articles you will find with beginning sense building exercises have you do things like rub your hands together, or pinch the tips of each one of your fingers, or clap your hands. This tactile stimulation draws blood and awareness to the area that you are working with. If you are having trouble sensing energy, you can start with doing that. Eventually you will be able to sense energy without doing that. The important part is to be patient with yourself and put in the flight time.

Being able to sense with your hands is the basic beginning step towards whole body sensing. A technique to gain the same tactile sensation in your whole body is just as simple. Imagine you are holding a ball in your right hand. Place your right hand above your left shoulder, hovering over it, and slide your hand all the way down your arm to your finger tips. Then do the same thing, but start from your fingertips and go up the underside of your arm towards your armpit, then down your left side to your left hip. From your left hip go down the top of your left leg, curving over the knee and over your foot. Lift your foot, and go up the underside of your leg all the way to your pelvic area/groin. Switch hands, and do the right side of your body, starting from where you left off. Go down the underside of your right leg all the way to your foot. Up, around, and over your foot curving around your knee to your hip, up your side to your armpit, and then under the right arm to the fingers. From your fingers to your right shoulder.

Its like you are giving yourself an energetic brushing. Come at it with a soft, relaxed intent, and don’t worry about feeling anything. Sensation will come in time. Again, it may help build tactile sensation by pinching the tips of your fingers and toes as you go about the practice. You are building you capability to sense energy moving through your body with each hand pass. To start, you can even begin by touching your body directly and dragging your hand across it, noting the lingering feeling left behind with such a touch.

At times it would be easy to dismiss it as body heat, but when you build your capability to sense energy you will find it doesn’t matter how far away your place your hand away from your body, you will still be able to feel the path of your energy as you move it down and through your body.

A little aside- You can do this exercise without physical movement or the use of your hands. In fact, doing it without your hands and just directing the energy through your body mentally will increase your capability to sense your own energy. What you need to do is to make sure you are comfortable sitting or laying down. Picture that energy ball on your left shoulder and watch it move down your arm. Just do the circuit.

Once you can sense energy you can start building on your personal power. There are a myriad of ways to do this, and in fact, regular practice of the above exercise is enough to start building energy within your body. There are chakra exercises, energy arts like nei gong/chi gong/tai chi, many forms of meditation, but the most common way, which is exemplified in many practices around the world, is breath work. Learning how to breathe, and just breathe ‘properly’ but with the added intent of energetic assumption. That is the most basic key to building internal power, intentional breathing.

A simple example that I use in meditation is a form of deep breathing. With this, I focus on my stomach, and try to see my breath filling my abdomen. I shift my focus from my breath to my stomach, and feel how it expands and contracts with each breath. Try to use your stomach and not your lungs. As I breathe in I see energy flood in with the breath, and sink down into my stomach, where it conglomerates and condenses and is absorbed into my energy body. It just dissipates into you. After a while you might feel the power building within your body just from a few breaths, your whole body ‘tingling’ with energy that you are taking in.

Topics to be edited in:

–Demystifying ‘Programming’ - Directing Power–

–Internal Energy and External Energy–

–Shielding, Wards, and Banishing–

–Energetic Ties–

–Final Notes–


Thank you for this :ok_hand::ok_hand:


It’s nice to see more talk on direct magick :clap:



‘Direct Magick’ - is it a term you came up with yourself or is it used somewhere else? I only ask because I like it xD and it is more efficiently explains what I aim to accomplish.


I use to call it psionics or just energy work but for some reason a lot of people didnt understand what I meant so I looked into terms that would get my point across and saw indirect magick which was stuff like ceremonial magick, calling on external forces and such, and direct magick as psionics and energy work lol so I was like this could work.


Great post!

I’ll be reading.


Thank you for sharing this. I just got a few books on energy work as I’m pretty lacking in this area still.

Very well written and explained. Well done!

I like this term. Simple and to the point. So for me it’s very effective!