Running Around in the Darkness

Ugh, so something touched me. I have a feeling I know who it was.

I was laying in bed. I randomly woke up at 5 am. I was just about to resume reading the Poetic Edda when I felt what can only be described as a fingernail run from the top of my foot to the bottom. In the weirdest, slowest manner.

I do want to be clear, I did get a little preoccupied yesterday and had to push off giving Loki his offering. And he does like doing things like this to get my attention.

Tomorrow morning I’ll do some proper divination and see who this was, but if i had to bet then it’s a certain norse god I favor trying to get some attention and or his berries.

But I’ve already got the berries for Loki’s offering. His blueberries are waiting patiently in my fridge. Ones he specifically chose and refused to let my visualize anything but the blueberries sitting there at the store until I brought them home.

I briefly checked out some slavic myths after speaking with my fiance about what spirits run around the forests here. I’m mildly curious about dwarfs but not enough to really go searching.

He told me I won’t find dwarfs here. The slavic god Leshy eats such. And that I should be careful with rituals in these forests. I’ll keep an eye out.

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Heading out to the forest tomorrow for when I’ll give Loki his offering. I’m using the term “forest” loosely as it’s basically just a park. So per my last post no need, or at least I think that there’s no need to worry about the slavic gods having a moment over this.

A couple things to add -

I was falling asleep last night when I heard Loki’s name whispered to me. It sounded like multiple voices at once. I’ve had this happen before a couple times but it was only ever one voice, so I’m making note of this peculiarity.

I didn’t mention this previously but I’m currently learning Old Norse.

I also want to work on trying galdr. I think it’d be a beneficial addition to my magick.

Edit to add: I saw Jackson Crawford’s video about Loki having another name - Loptr and I remember another member here saying this was Loki’s real name. But after that video I agree with the sentiment JC talked about as how this wasn’t his actual name but more of a nickname in sorts that he’d go by. Something affectionate in a way. Im paraphrasing that video to the max. Anyone curious should actually watch it. But when I give Loki his offering tomorrow I’ll call him by this once he’s around, I’m curious how he’ll react. Intuition says nothing but positivity. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Ughhh, so my biggest client just disappeared. I’m worried it’s with the large check they owe me as well.

Now, I’m trying not to freak out. Twas magick that gave me this client, it’ll be magick that gives me the next.

But, honestly, I’m worried. I’ve got a limited amount of time to save up several grand. I’m trying to just breath and stay calm.

I want to make note earlier today I had this weird lil vision pop up in my head this morning of my check or the emough disappearing. It was completely random and I’m like “huh, weird…”, and went on with my day. Well…

I was also looking at Bune’s sigil today. No particular reason why. I just opened my box and pulled it out, examined it, and gently placed it back. I save any sigil I make.

While, I’ll definitely be drawing Fehu all over my wrists tomorrow morning, I’m at a crossroads of what to do next. On one hand, I’ve got niche skills that could potentially land me great clients but I’m struggling to figure out how to find these. My previous clients have all found me. Funny how that happens. (thank you, Fehu)

I’ve still got some work, but its not the extra 2k a month this client was bringing in. I’m also possibly down ny check for this month from them as they aren’t responding.


On a better note, so I stop stressing, I gave Loki his offering. He was happy. It’s always intriguing how the world changes when he pops up. The energy, the air, everything. It’s intoxicating in many ways.

He was running around in my dream last night. Sometimes he’ll pop up and be very cryptic or try to “blend in” with the rest of my dream characters until I stop and am like “Hi Loki”. Usually moments after this he’ll pull me from the dream and into the astral. Though this hasn’t happened since I left the US. He’s been more present in my actual life rather than my dreams.

I think I’ll tell him about the money situation and see what he says. He helped me the last two times when I had problems related to getting a check on time or at all. I will say, I was crying in the kitchen asking him to fix it when it went down so maybe he was just pitying me a bit :joy:

I want to make note I do appreciate him. So tomorrow morning I’ll call to him and ask. I’ll meditate before bed and depending on how that goes, I may talk to him then.

Mood is absolutely in the trash right now. My entire plans for the next couple months have been thrown off course do to this. This client has been steady for a year now. Them bailing just hit me out of nowhere. Them bailing with my almost 2k check has just obliterated any good vibes.

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I’m posting this to remind myself - I create my reality. I control what comes and goes. Everything around me is a product of my manifesting.

One client down, two better clients appear.

95-99% of my life has come to me through manifesting or straight witchcraft. Which I guess are one in the same.

Best I don’t forget that now.

Some recent stuff I’ve manifested in the last several months so I can stress a little less:

  • My sibling’s brand new gaming laptop for free
  • The decision of a court case
  • Random food items that I was craving (this was a funny story and I was trying to prove a point about manifesting to my sibling. Though the point was doubly made when he received the laptop)
  • $500

Now I’ve had several “be careful what you wish for it might come true” manifestations. Because while I do manifest an array of things, they aren’t always good. In some ways, I really wonder if the loss of this client falls to that. Who knows.

I just need to remember to not freak out, even though I really want to, stay calm and believe in myself. Because I’ll keeo manifesting what’s on the forefront of my mind regardless of that being good or bad.

I’m sorry! I know how that goes…

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Yeah, life with all of its ups and downs, ya know.

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Updates -

Okay, so a couple of things:
The client paid me. I ended up listening to this subliminal, drawing Fehu on my wrist, and crying to Loki about it. I’m not sure what fixed it or if it was a combination of things, but yeah. I won’t work with this client further. This has happened too often, and I can’t deal with the stress, so I’ll be working on finding newer, better clients.

I also had a weird dream last night. Someone was really trying to find out who I work with in terms of magick. They kept asking and then wanted more information when I left it at Loki. To their further questions past the point of who I work with, I told them, “Don’t ask me; ask Loki.” I got the weirdest feeling about the dream during it. And the way they looked at me when I said his name was not positive. Funny enough, I forgot the dream when I woke up. But while I was talking to Loki, I remembered it. Odd

I said earlier that Loki would pop up in dreams and play characters sometimes, but this felt different. On top of it, Loki was extra present before I called him today. He popped up when I was just thinking about talking to him later. Then next thing you know I’m spilling all my problems to him.

Edit: Because after I wrote this, Loki made me aware that he helps when I have problems. All I have to do is ask. So thank you to my hero. Per the usual :smiley:


I really want to work on my clairaudience. I think I’ll work on this for the next couple weeks. I need to be more consistent. I’m in a weird place with it where I occasionally catch a word. If i focus I can hear the “rumble” of energy. Rumble is not the best way to describe it. And when I meditate I catch phrases and words. When I’m falling asleep sometimes it’s like I’m listening to a radio of random voices and conversations.

I feel like with a bit of consistency and hardwork I’ll really open up this world. When I was younger, I was much better. Once I’d open a space, and go into a trance it was as if i was listening to entities and spirits through a glass wall. Or like I could hear them as if I was underwater. But my brain could sort through this and understand.

I’ll post updates and what I’m doing throughout the next few weeks.

Earlier today I heard a random phrase, it was unexpected and quick, I didn’t even understand it. But it made me turn around and look for a person in the apartment. It sounded like it was right behind me.


Successfully spoken into existence.


I’m knee-deep in the search function trying to see what offerings Sraagbel likes. I’ll have a proper update soon. But after a bit of money manifesting, I’ve got a lot of new work flowing in with higher payments than previously.

Thank you, Fehu :heart_hands:

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Saving this info about Sraagbel here so I don’t need to search far for it again.

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Alright guys, I’m going to spit-ball some ideas to you. Just thinking out loud (in typing?).

For a ritual with say Sraagbel, well not a ritual exactly. But evoking him, I could get into an extreme meditive state, lying down, with his sigil on my chest (on a piece of paper), and then mentally call him while visualizing the sigil and focusing on sending energy to activate the sigil on the paper.

EDIT: I know I can do this, anything works in magick (more or less), but I’m wondering more like-- this would be a better idea, right? I think so.

I just hear spirits and see what they want me to much easier in a meditive state. I can use divination with my pendulum otherwise, but I’d like to be a bit more direct. So to speak.

Usually I do typical evocation rituals like what you’ll see around the forum.

I knooow, I know I said I was sticking to the Norse Pantheon and I am. But, I do on occasion still step out and work with others. I’ve just not stuck to building solid long-term relationships above acquaintance with others. I don’t know why, I’m just not feeling pushed to that in this moment.

But I do appreciate all of the very respectful, polite, and intriguing interactions I’ve had with several Demons. I think whenever I interact with them, I’m going to start leaving a small offering as a thank you for listening to me and arriving to my space.

I do want to make it known to any new entities (and old ones I’ve already met) that I’m calling to them with the utmost respect. I don’t call any of them lightly. Everything is always on a professional (business-like) level when I evoke them.

Okay, rambling over.

Also the offering, I’m thinking a drink. I would do wine, but I thought grapejuice, because I don’t really drink and an entire bottle of wine as an offering a whole thing.

So the LBRP banishes all entities and energies. Even protective or otherwise positive ones? I’m trying to find a workaround on protections for others. But say I banished everything in a space and then sent another entity out to do the work after the space has been cleaned of everything, would that be akin to breaking down one’s walls or protections?

No. You can banish with the intent to allow any entities you consider to be positive to remain.

No. Sending a spirit off after banishing does not affect the protection. In ceremonial magick, it is often recommended to banish before a ritual and after only because it is basically the equivalent of cleaning up after your guest leaves. When you banish after a ritual, you are simply getting rid of any stray energy that might be hanging around.

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What can’t it banish regardless of my intent? This might be a better question. If I had the intent to remove everything, could it? Even if I haven’t called the entity but it’s attached to something else in the area. I’d like to halt connections between an entity and a person for a moment, in theory. @DarkestKnight

The LBRP can banish most things. Sometimes, though, you may need to resort to something more forceful for those really troublesome spirits. Attachments may require direct engagement to pry them lose before they can be banished.

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Thanks for the information! I’ll keep this in mind and brainstorm a bit.

I’m so terrible at sigils. You’d never believe how much energy goes into them with how funky I draw them -

I feel very jittery. I’ve not decided how I want to go about this. But I’m reminded of Sraabel often throughout the day. I’ll update you guys later with what happens.

Note to self: Stop forgetting to buy offerings. (Otherwise I’d have evoke Sraagbel today)

So I went ahead and petitioned Sraagbel. I know, I know, evoking is the better route, but I’m just so limited on opportunities to make this happen. Studio apartment life. I’ll have my space again here in a couple months as the new apartment is much much bigger.

Anyways, the petition - so that went well. I made contact, or so i think, through the sigil pretty quickly. But I have a feeling Sraagbel already knew I’d be reaching out. I’ll burn the paper with the petition in the morning, but I properly petitioned him tonight. So, let’s see

I’ll do some divination with my pendulum and runes tomorrow. But I feel like I’m at a crossroads.

Which way to run this time…

I’ll also try the seal from C.Kendall sometime this week. I want to clean my space of thoughtforms with it. I wish I had a more compact version of the lbrp, otherwise I’d just do that every so often.