Running Around in the Darkness

Keep writing in here! It inspires me, lol.

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I’m glad! Love that this is inspirational to someone else. This has turned into my spot for documenting what I’ve got going on. So don’t worry, there will be plenty of updates to come :smiley:

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Something fun happened. I say fun, but I’m so drained. So I ended up reading a lot of tarot for a couple of people I’m close to. I’ve been limited on reading tarot for others just because of my lack of experience but we went at this for an hour or more. A lot of perspective and insights were given. We were one hand of reading in and everyone started taking it very seriously. My reading skills aren’t as poor as i thought. I’m finally understanding my cards.

Thank you, Loki! Considering the situation around how this session even began was his doing.

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Idea- connect with a chatty spirit who you can easily sense and ask them to present you with tarot spreads by pointing out the cards to use, then let them explain the connection.

This builds so much trust rapidly, both between you and the spirit and you realize you can connect the tarot to various sources and influences.

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I definitely will give this a shot today. Loki and I have done something like this on a minimal basis. Usually he’s just talking to me through tarot. But actually building spreads sounds like an amazing idea. Thank you for the suggestion!

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Alright, my update for today.

I came across the three suns and then void meditation.

Oh, I cannot express how excited I am to get into this.

Last night, I did the three suns meditation, I didn’t go farther than that and I had the vision of my grandma trying to talk to me. When I stopped the meditation I already knew she’d message me. Around 20 minutes after the meditation she messaged me.

But diving into the void has really piqued my curiosity. I’ve had a couple people look at my soul, and I’ve gotten responses that my soul looks like the void. I know many people on here talk about how their souls are pieces of gods, demons, etc. I’ve never felt any type of way about my soul. It is what it is. But I’m curious to see what comes out of being in the void and I am really committing to building my psychic abilities.

But the three suns mediation was amazing. Once I got passed the first sun, it felt as though the other two came naturally. I just meditated as they moved through my body. And once I finished, I felt like I was floating. I let the visions come and that’s when I saw my grandma.

I’ll update you guys further once I’ve gone deeper into this meditation.


Something intriguing occured in my dreams. I tried to meditate before bed but it seemed like my mind was being bombarded with random words, phrases, photos. Nothing of actual use so I decided to call it and just go to sleep. I had a dream that didn’t show anything special. The dream consisted of being at my childhood home, seeing my siblings, and a flood of some sort began.

But at some point during the dream a piece of paper appeared before me. On this paper were some letters ASTA they kept morphing until they showed the name SITRI. I continued to hear the name several times. It rang through my head a bit throughout the dream and when I woke up it was the first thing on my mind.

This is quite interesting as I’ve never looked deeply into Sitri, I’ve read very briefly on this daemon in the past. Nothing extensive. But I got lost in the search function of the forum this morning and I see he handles things related to relationships, lust, sex.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say he reached out to me in the dream. But I’m not sure why. I’m not looking for the things he handles as I’m in a long-term relationship already. I checked out S. Connolly’s book in an attempt to see what else he governs. But again I was presented with the above abilities. I’ll contact him later and speak to him. I’m extremely curious.

Considering before bed I was reading the forum, mostly Conner Kendall’s posts in relation to the Seal he’s recently shared. I’d made a few personal decisions to actively work on my abilities and make progress towards goals instead of procrastinating and remaining at the same level I’m at. DarkestKnight’s journal has inspired me as of late to really give this my all. I am desperate to move further. It’s time I dedicate myself to this path regardless of where my life is. I’ve always blamed life for getting in the way.

But it’s time I put priority on Magick.

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I’m posting this as a reference for later -

Sitri’s sigil:
Sitri's Sigil

Sitri’s enn: Lirach Alora vefa Sitri

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I’ve been spending a lot of time studying Norse mythology further and learning more about runes. And let me tell you, my dreams are constantly swirling with all things Norse.

Today I’ll spend the day with my runes. I want to understand them deeper. Further than random descriptions in books or on the internet. I want to understand each one for what it is and the power it holds.

I’ll do the three suns meditation again today and try to further it to the next step of entering the void.

I’ve got an offering for Loki that i need to acquire. When I was half asleep I kept hearing in my head that he wants berries. I’ll find some today.

I also want to make note, that I constantly find a certain rune going missing from my set - Kenaz. Go figure. I’ve got an idea of who might be behind the runaway rune :laughing:

I’ve yet to contact Sitri. I’ve decided to do this further in the future. There’s enough on my plate as it is with the Norse pantheon. And this is the path I want to follow and focus my energy on for now.

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To further elaborate on runes and my views-

I’ve never seen them as simply divination tools or just symbols. Even back when I knew nothing about them, I always viewed them as their own beings/energies.

I’ve come across a ritual that I can do with each one that offers it the option to show me who and what it is.

I believe I’ve been wrong to look at divination with them as a similarity to tarot. When I use them for such I’ll focus more on what they tell me rather than trying to read them like I would a tarot card.

I think that when they’re pulled it’s because this rune has something deeper to say about the situation. And I should listen more. I spend too much time trying to interpret them myself using meanings I find from other sources. But what do they want to tell me that I’ve not heard?

I want to focus on learning seidr. I’ll work with Loki on the runes. And I’ll talk to Freya about seidr. It’s been some time since I spoke with Freya and I do miss her.

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Ugh, so something touched me. I have a feeling I know who it was.

I was laying in bed. I randomly woke up at 5 am. I was just about to resume reading the Poetic Edda when I felt what can only be described as a fingernail run from the top of my foot to the bottom. In the weirdest, slowest manner.

I do want to be clear, I did get a little preoccupied yesterday and had to push off giving Loki his offering. And he does like doing things like this to get my attention.

Tomorrow morning I’ll do some proper divination and see who this was, but if i had to bet then it’s a certain norse god I favor trying to get some attention and or his berries.

But I’ve already got the berries for Loki’s offering. His blueberries are waiting patiently in my fridge. Ones he specifically chose and refused to let my visualize anything but the blueberries sitting there at the store until I brought them home.

I briefly checked out some slavic myths after speaking with my fiance about what spirits run around the forests here. I’m mildly curious about dwarfs but not enough to really go searching.

He told me I won’t find dwarfs here. The slavic god Leshy eats such. And that I should be careful with rituals in these forests. I’ll keep an eye out.

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Heading out to the forest tomorrow for when I’ll give Loki his offering. I’m using the term “forest” loosely as it’s basically just a park. So per my last post no need, or at least I think that there’s no need to worry about the slavic gods having a moment over this.

A couple things to add -

I was falling asleep last night when I heard Loki’s name whispered to me. It sounded like multiple voices at once. I’ve had this happen before a couple times but it was only ever one voice, so I’m making note of this peculiarity.

I didn’t mention this previously but I’m currently learning Old Norse.

I also want to work on trying galdr. I think it’d be a beneficial addition to my magick.

Edit to add: I saw Jackson Crawford’s video about Loki having another name - Loptr and I remember another member here saying this was Loki’s real name. But after that video I agree with the sentiment JC talked about as how this wasn’t his actual name but more of a nickname in sorts that he’d go by. Something affectionate in a way. Im paraphrasing that video to the max. Anyone curious should actually watch it. But when I give Loki his offering tomorrow I’ll call him by this once he’s around, I’m curious how he’ll react. Intuition says nothing but positivity. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Ughhh, so my biggest client just disappeared. I’m worried it’s with the large check they owe me as well.

Now, I’m trying not to freak out. Twas magick that gave me this client, it’ll be magick that gives me the next.

But, honestly, I’m worried. I’ve got a limited amount of time to save up several grand. I’m trying to just breath and stay calm.

I want to make note earlier today I had this weird lil vision pop up in my head this morning of my check or the emough disappearing. It was completely random and I’m like “huh, weird…”, and went on with my day. Well…

I was also looking at Bune’s sigil today. No particular reason why. I just opened my box and pulled it out, examined it, and gently placed it back. I save any sigil I make.

While, I’ll definitely be drawing Fehu all over my wrists tomorrow morning, I’m at a crossroads of what to do next. On one hand, I’ve got niche skills that could potentially land me great clients but I’m struggling to figure out how to find these. My previous clients have all found me. Funny how that happens. (thank you, Fehu)

I’ve still got some work, but its not the extra 2k a month this client was bringing in. I’m also possibly down ny check for this month from them as they aren’t responding.


On a better note, so I stop stressing, I gave Loki his offering. He was happy. It’s always intriguing how the world changes when he pops up. The energy, the air, everything. It’s intoxicating in many ways.

He was running around in my dream last night. Sometimes he’ll pop up and be very cryptic or try to “blend in” with the rest of my dream characters until I stop and am like “Hi Loki”. Usually moments after this he’ll pull me from the dream and into the astral. Though this hasn’t happened since I left the US. He’s been more present in my actual life rather than my dreams.

I think I’ll tell him about the money situation and see what he says. He helped me the last two times when I had problems related to getting a check on time or at all. I will say, I was crying in the kitchen asking him to fix it when it went down so maybe he was just pitying me a bit :joy:

I want to make note I do appreciate him. So tomorrow morning I’ll call to him and ask. I’ll meditate before bed and depending on how that goes, I may talk to him then.

Mood is absolutely in the trash right now. My entire plans for the next couple months have been thrown off course do to this. This client has been steady for a year now. Them bailing just hit me out of nowhere. Them bailing with my almost 2k check has just obliterated any good vibes.

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I’m posting this to remind myself - I create my reality. I control what comes and goes. Everything around me is a product of my manifesting.

One client down, two better clients appear.

95-99% of my life has come to me through manifesting or straight witchcraft. Which I guess are one in the same.

Best I don’t forget that now.

Some recent stuff I’ve manifested in the last several months so I can stress a little less:

  • My sibling’s brand new gaming laptop for free
  • The decision of a court case
  • Random food items that I was craving (this was a funny story and I was trying to prove a point about manifesting to my sibling. Though the point was doubly made when he received the laptop)
  • $500

Now I’ve had several “be careful what you wish for it might come true” manifestations. Because while I do manifest an array of things, they aren’t always good. In some ways, I really wonder if the loss of this client falls to that. Who knows.

I just need to remember to not freak out, even though I really want to, stay calm and believe in myself. Because I’ll keeo manifesting what’s on the forefront of my mind regardless of that being good or bad.

I’m sorry! I know how that goes…

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Yeah, life with all of its ups and downs, ya know.

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Updates -

Okay, so a couple of things:
The client paid me. I ended up listening to this subliminal, drawing Fehu on my wrist, and crying to Loki about it. I’m not sure what fixed it or if it was a combination of things, but yeah. I won’t work with this client further. This has happened too often, and I can’t deal with the stress, so I’ll be working on finding newer, better clients.

I also had a weird dream last night. Someone was really trying to find out who I work with in terms of magick. They kept asking and then wanted more information when I left it at Loki. To their further questions past the point of who I work with, I told them, “Don’t ask me; ask Loki.” I got the weirdest feeling about the dream during it. And the way they looked at me when I said his name was not positive. Funny enough, I forgot the dream when I woke up. But while I was talking to Loki, I remembered it. Odd

I said earlier that Loki would pop up in dreams and play characters sometimes, but this felt different. On top of it, Loki was extra present before I called him today. He popped up when I was just thinking about talking to him later. Then next thing you know I’m spilling all my problems to him.

Edit: Because after I wrote this, Loki made me aware that he helps when I have problems. All I have to do is ask. So thank you to my hero. Per the usual :smiley:


I really want to work on my clairaudience. I think I’ll work on this for the next couple weeks. I need to be more consistent. I’m in a weird place with it where I occasionally catch a word. If i focus I can hear the “rumble” of energy. Rumble is not the best way to describe it. And when I meditate I catch phrases and words. When I’m falling asleep sometimes it’s like I’m listening to a radio of random voices and conversations.

I feel like with a bit of consistency and hardwork I’ll really open up this world. When I was younger, I was much better. Once I’d open a space, and go into a trance it was as if i was listening to entities and spirits through a glass wall. Or like I could hear them as if I was underwater. But my brain could sort through this and understand.

I’ll post updates and what I’m doing throughout the next few weeks.

Earlier today I heard a random phrase, it was unexpected and quick, I didn’t even understand it. But it made me turn around and look for a person in the apartment. It sounded like it was right behind me.


Successfully spoken into existence.


I’m knee-deep in the search function trying to see what offerings Sraagbel likes. I’ll have a proper update soon. But after a bit of money manifesting, I’ve got a lot of new work flowing in with higher payments than previously.

Thank you, Fehu :heart_hands:

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