Ruler of Da'ath

I’ve Googled and searched on here and got nothing.

Who is the ruler of Da’ath?



I believe it’s choronzon and shugal.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

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There is no ruler of Da’at. In true Kabbalah, Da’at, which is Hebrew for “knowledge” is where all 10 Sephiroth of the Tree of Life come together as one. It is not, in itself, considered to be a “real” Sephiroth, but the unification of all Sephiroth, reflecting the Divine Light of Kether. That is why it is sometimes omitted from the diagram of the Tree.

However, there is at least one claim that it has a ruling archangel, called EKENOR, though that is questionable. In Western magick, the archangels Tzaphkiel, Uriel, and Metatron have all been variously attributed to Da’at at some point.


So was Raziel. One blind or other belief is Pluto assigned to Daat, so whatever correspondence you have for your deity, there you go. In this case Celtic wise would be possibly Aine, based on my research resources.

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Man, what is it with people and shoving entities into frameworks where they just don’t belong? :roll_eyes:


So basically I can call any ruler of any other Sephiroth sphere who is also attributed to Da’ath, and they would be able to call off attacking spirits from Da’ath?

As that’s the reason for my question. :slight_smile:

The attacking spirit in question has told me so far, that it is from Da’ath, that it is there to cause me to make bad choices, and that the easiest way to have it stand down is to summon a ruler of Da’ath. Communication is difficult at the moment, so I thought I’d do a little digging. :wink:


Yes, they should be able to, and if not, they can take you to who can.


Thank you. :slight_smile:


i personally don’t use other peoples sigils because demons manifest very differently to every other magician