
@DarkestKnight you won’t post?? PFT fine!

@Polemael before you torture more Demons, please click the banner bellow and introduce yourself to us



Please remember to introduce yourself in our Intro thread as you were previously prompted to do. It is not an option.

@Anassa. I had already prompted him in his previous thread :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know but I was expecting the whip! :joy:


I will tell you exactly what happened as I had just asked them. Keeping in mind as its filtered through my own words as they communicate with imagery, direct knowing and sometimes telepathy:

“Who the fuck is this guy?” He said “oh its another one of THOSE” some female voice “We have more important things to do to pave the way for the King. We have no time for this.”

In a Nutshell, you got stonewalled and they conveyed that you did not have anything to bring to the table for the services. Only the most dedicated that align with their purposes they pay attention to.


Can you ask about me

If @DarkestKnight isn’t whipping babygirl, he isnt whipping anyone else either :smiling_imp: :joy: :speak_no_evil:


Which did you try, an invocation or an evocation?

  1. For an INvocation, the daemon doesn’t come into the triangle or become phsyical, it comes into YOU, the practitioner as a mild possession and you feel and hear it as if you were talking to yourself, (at this level)
  2. For an EVocation, then the daemon manifests in the triangle, and you need either second sight, astral senses or if you’re lucky you’ll see something in the incense smoke - and that’s if you infuse your energy into the smoke for the daemon to use to become physical - did you do that?

After that, ignoring the part after this where you threatened to do nothing that matters for no reason, what did you “request and demonstrate”? What were you going to ask for?

Well done, you managed to piss off one of the most helpful spirit in the entire lesser key.

Next time you try to call on him, you better bring some fucking offerings, and a heartfelt I’m sorry.

I recommend apples.

I also recommend a good swift kick in the teeth.


Nice tattoo

Anyway, op, things have already been pretty well summarised so I’ll just stress the importance of not biting the hand that feeds you… Seriously, why did you think threats to the demon would make up for your own in ability to evoke properly. Its like dialling a number wrong and then screaming abuse down the phone because no one answered.
When you evoke correctly, you should feel the Demon’s presence. Whether it’s then willing to communicate with you is up to the demon ( again threats won’t work on anything beyond a poltergeist ).
The extent to which it manifests depends on your own ability and your own astral senses. In rare cases a demon can gain enough of a presence to manifest so as to be perceived by people with weak astral sight. Hope this helps a bit.

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I agree, but this is not how everyone view these terms.

even e.a doesn’t always get manifestation even if the entities he is closest to. not a big deal. there r many factors, astral-casual-environmental-even state of ur mind. all play some role in magick and manifestation. most we don;t understand. may be one of this was off for some reason.

Ah I see, I’m definitely NOT a “demonolator” and I disagree quite strongly with both the emotion and philosophical content in those pages.

It’s interesting they claim something is disrespectful on behalf of others but if you actually bother to ask those others they will tell you nothing of the sort. That’s the trouble with white knighting - you think you’re protecting someone but in fact it’s inherently disrespectful in itself. Because it assumes the other can’t speak or protect themselves as a sovereign being. Pot, meet kettle.

I had lost interest in buying the book after seeing interviews with the author online, so thanks for that, it was very interesting.

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I agree, I got this book when I first started since it had some very good reviews. I do not sub under the “demonolator” category, but I learned a bunch of things from these books so I don’t regret it. And if you ask me, I would recomend her books for absolutely newbies without second thought. It’s up to you to filter out the info and keep what vibes to you the most.

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Whether the entity manifests physically or not, doesn´t hold that much value really and it shouldn´t. Whatever works I guess.

I am now in a race for time and external rules, when everything normalizes I will make

Well I was too changed at that moment and I could not control myself, even I spelled some curse spells on his seal. I hope he understands that I am fragile with emotion as any human, and my terms the next I hope he likes it a lot. And now I need tips for an excuse, I thought I would clog him honestly about what happens to me, but I do not know if it will help

It is NOT optional. If you want to keep posting in this forum you have to follow the rules and introduce yourself. It won’t take you more than a couple of minutes.


I was going to ask him for help in my studies as he oracle, I would ask more about issues that I call, the “Impurities of abortions and weak” Basically related to love and these things that I had not felt before. But now the passion took over and that was not why I entered the magic, it used to be not the reason before, I studied since childhood white magic and protection spells but now much has changed. Before I studied to defend myself from the demons that haunted me I saw them in front of me a being even hugged me, and I found it good although I can not explain why, but at the same time I felt afraid, I can tell this story in a post about the contact I had with these beings. When I was little I did not talk to many, but I always saw a being on a horse chasing me and watching me sleep, I saw shadows walking like human while I was awake. Before I remember waking up and scaring me with a skeletal being looking at me while I was sleeping, and a yellow-eyed being smiling at me while I slept, and even that winter my very hot room.
