Ritual to open someone’s mind

Anyone know a spell or ritual to get a Christian to open there mind put down there self imposed morals and free them to follow their own path to happiness. I ask because I know a female Christian who has been through a lot of pain in her life so she holds onto god like a safety blanket not realizing that her blind faith does her more harm then good. I keep trying to convince her to open her mind to have fun and grow as a person but she acts like if she did she would die. I care deeply for this woman and don’t want to do anything to hurt her more but is there anyway to help her.

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Her blind faith is doing a lot more than your lack of faith. Let her hold on to God. He offers salvation. Even tho I’m a sorcerer I still worship and love my God. He is loving and caring and sometimes people need to go thru hard things. Don’t try to fix her. Let God help her. He’s got it.


Btw blind faith does not exist. Faith is not just belief. She has obviously experienced God’s love and that’s why she holds o to Him. And faith is healing it is not harmful

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Why do you automatically assume her follower “her own” path necessitates leaving Christianity? Seems pretty presumptuous.


I don’t want to go into to many details because it’s somewhat personal. To explain it simply you can tell by being around her that she tries to act like a zealous creationist Christian but that she really isn’t that type of person at all and there is a lot of sell hate that stems from this. She will even mentally punish and shame herself for wanting to going after something she wants. She doesn’t realize it but she has an extremely bad habit of rejecting pain or any form of growth or new ideas to the point where it’s obvious that inside she is still a small child. I don’t want her to leave her faith I just want to be able to finally see her happy.

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It is when someone simply uses it to escape there problems.

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This is a tough one. We are not only looking at how to change the entire viewpoint of an individual (which requires a critical event that causes enough doubt to have the person leave it) but how they view themselves (which ultimately fuels that habit of shaming herself for desiring. I read how you worded it as her telling herself “I do not deserve this”). The belief system, while it is a mask, may not be the true issue. There is probably underlining traumas that is the problem that she is clinging to (because it is more familiar than letting it go). I am normally not one to defend the Christian faith, as there is some pretty messed up stuff in its dogma (just like every organized religion for that matter), but tackling the issue from that point of view just seems like it is doomed to fail without addressing the real problem. That being said, here are some things that come to mind:

-ask yourself if this is really worth it on your end.
-evoke Vine to bring a break through and get the ball going to face the real problems.
-petetion to her own ancestors to help her with confidence.
-petetion an angel for guidance (as her mind would probably accept the opinions of an angel over any other entity). Azarel to help her put the past to rest comes to mind.
-talk to her throughout the whole process and try to figure out the root of it all beyond the faith and the scripture that serves as her front. Maybe gently remind her that there have been enough martyrs in history and it is not a path one should want to take (not exact wording of course).

This is just some food for thought, I hope it helps.

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