Ritual questions

This one:

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Thanks for letting me know.sorry

You were already told once. This is your last warning.


Yes, there are plenty of magicians online (you can even order from the BALG website), but there’s nothing like doing it yourself and imprinting your own energy on it.

If you want the lazy way out and to just pay for someone to do it on your behalf, that’s ok. But if you don’t think your goal is worth investing your own time and energy on… then why bother at all?


I’m going to start today with ennde sallos… and looking at his secrecy


You have all the tools to do it on your own. Start here:

Or here:

I’m sure there’s a sense of urgency, but you really need to slow down, take some time to do some proper research, learn what you need to do to get what you want and dive in and just do it.

So many members of the forum and beyond have been in your situation and were able to get results.

You can too. Good luck.



Hello friends! I studied the recommendations and made this petition to Sallos.
There’s just the situation… what to do with the petition. Because I don’t have a river to throw away, or an open field to burn and throw ash. I only have garbage to throw the ashes and sewage, what to do?

Burn it over the sink and send the ashes down the drain.


I will say, and I am going to assume you are a male, please correct me if I am wrong and disregard this otherwise but for future reference, the Pomba Gira help WOMEN, feminine men, gay men, and trans girls. If you are a male and you are doing a Pombagira ritual on a woman, IT WILL NOT WORK! You will need to go a different avenue. She is a fierce protector of women, her initiates, children, and feminine/homosexual men and trans women. She can help women on women, women on men, but NOT men on women.

If you need help, I suggest continue working with King Asmodeus, or try Prince Sitri or Astaroth. BUT! You MUST have faith in the spells that have been casted for you. Otherwise, they will not work and you are basically telling the Spirits that they are not powerful enough to help you which is disrespectful to them. I know it is hard to be optimistic in a difficult situation, trust me I am in the same boat, but you need to keep trying. Give the spells time to work. Manifestation can take a while depending on the circumstances and parties involved.

And like the others said, try asking a trusted spellcaster or psychic for guidance or divination or consultation. They will guide you on what to do next.

Since you’ve recently wrote a petition, whatever you agreed upon doing, make sure you hold your end of the bargain as best as you can.


Thank you for the tip! By the way.next step now is to make one for clauneck to open my ways

I’m a man. November 7th it’s been 1 year since I paid a ritual to Maria Padilha from the cabaret unless I’m mistaken. Unfortunately my son’s mother didn’t show up.since January of this year I have been paying rituals for third parties to do for me using asmodeus. the cards say it’s taking effect. Nothing more from my son’s mother comes to me. I decided to make this petition to Sallos, in view of recommendations to change the thinking… make peace with my son’s mother. is it from Brazil?


Oh, that’s such fantastic advice, @QueenMustang. This is something that’s not talked about often enough. I’d give this response 10 hearts if I could.

I wonder how many people need reconciliation, not love (or at least far before love).

I’ve personally tried forgiveness rituals before love or friendship, but maybe reconciliation is a missing step for many.

Did you do rituals for reconciliation? Are there many entities that help with reconciliation?

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Wow, what powerful points.

This is probably the third or fourth response I’ve seen to this thread that’s pure relationship gold. Good day for truth.

Are there road openers you can do for others? It seems like most I see, you do for yourself.

Or is performing a road opener for himself that what you are suggesting @Mauricio1 do?

I’m not sure if you are asking if Sallos is from Brazil or not, I have no idea. I know the Pombagira is from Brazil, but, the Pombagira is also from the Bombojira, which is from Africa.
I’m really sorry for the situation you are in by the way! I wish you the best of luck with the petition.

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You can do any spell for others especially if you have permission. Not having proper permission can cause blocks similar to a battle of wills. It’sa good idea to ask the higher self if it’s ok, just to make sure you’re not fudging something they are working on spiritually.


are you user from Brazil?

G Today I will do the ritual of petitioning Clauneck to open my financial paths and paths to love with my son’s mother.

Hello . sorry to disturb.Says a petition to Sallos. I asked him to change my son’s mother’s mind for her to forgive me and I asked Sallos to change her mind so she could look for me. If you prefer, I can write everything I put in the petition myself. if you want…tonight I’m going to make a petition to clauneck and or Belial. to help my situation in justice.

So you’re asking Sallos to…

  • Change your target’s mind
  • Make your target forgive you
  • Make your target look for you

You do realize that’s a lot of work, right?

Dantalion is best for changing throughts and emotions, but even then, you have to consider it could take around three to six months to see results.

For her to forgive you or look for you, you have to open her heart to you first.

None of that can happen overnight. And, if the target is resistant on a subconscious level or has a strong will (which is often the case), it may not have any effect on her at all.

Clauneck is more finances-oriented. Belial could help you dominate and overpower resistance, though.

Do you even know how to make a petition?

I insist that you need to sit down, read a lot, study spirits and methods, figure out a layered action plan, and then do something.

Tbh, love magick tends to fail more often than not, so don’t rely too much on it.


Y I will transcribe my petition here…
Hello Sallos, my name is Maurício. I ask Sallos, my dear friend, to go into so-and-so’s mind and make her forgive me and forget any anger she has towards me, and that she be submissive to all my requests and that she look for me desperately. I ask Sallos to grant me this request in two weeks and give me visible signs that he will grant this request. So be it.