Rite to Eshmak

My first time working with Great Daemon Eshmak
It went well & already seen results within a few hours! Truly amazing :clap:
Brief backstory
So I practically lost out on about $8K due to the COVID-19 Pandemic . So using a rite a good friend wrote for me, I performed the ritual this morning. Gave a black chime candle as an offering followed by this post- now .
Burned it all the way down .
Since Eshmak has power to bend will … & this is already working for me . Within a few hours I was able to get a full refund on my airbnb I had reserved for this trip when I was only supposed to get 50% back . However the host decided she would refund the other 50% . So that’s about $500 sum back . Now working on the rest .
Grateful for Eshmak


Nice result! :+1:

@Verdo, one for your list?