Rise spirits push with your shadow

Greetings from my universe. I know all I see all. Ask anything I enjoy giving advice. Been without a phone and living in nature for the last few years. I am the shadow pushing into your reality. I love all people. I experience new mindsets and outlooks every day. The universe is opening new unexplored paths that are entirely influenced by my perception. Having a phone is very different to me at this time. My magic consistent of each thought I choose to think and each sound I hear. Btw Jesus is a penis. Think on that one for a moment. Religion is about control but who has it? Me? Or my quantum Magick stick? Ouch goddammit. We are trying to get along more. Wasn’t too bad. He always grows back what are we really? A celestial combination of all things all the time manifested in different ways. Thank you to the green flames of the cleansing lake of fire. I miss this forum. Use to be oneis3. I hold many secrets past, present, and future. The time for the rising of the infernal empire has come. Rise my children, rise my family, cleanse I’m the flame and know truth. Fearlessly hopelessly. Whatever you want.


Welcome @Shadowbush Please properly introduce yourself.

Where are you from?

What do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

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@DarkestKnight @Mulberry, this might be a duplicate acct:

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We’re working on fixing your accounts, in the meantime, living in Nature sounds really cool, welcome back in more ways than one! :smiley: