Ringing in ear

so I did some visualization and for some time after my ears were ringing does that mean something or am i just delusional would appreciate some input

Ringing in your ear could be a sign that a spirit is communicating with you especially if it’s on the left side.


Usually it means a spirit is with you


Do you have any prior Magical experience?
What were you visualising and why, is this for a spell or maybe you did some meditation techniques to open the astral senses?

Aslo, do you aslo feel pressure on the ears? I would say that this is a positive sign of what ever you are trying to do is working.

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Do a hearing test to make sure you’re not losing the top end of your hearing.

If you’ve lost the top end of your hearing, you may have tinnitus. If not, your brain activity has increased.

When your brain activity is over-active you get ringing in your ears. This may be due to you activating your inferior colliculi (the part of your 3rd eye that relates to your hearing). Your inner ears would then be opening but you haven’t opened them enough to receive impressions yet.

I’ve had the same issue going on for weeks now and i thought it was tinnitus, but now i understand what it is.

I can relate to this. I did a working with Agares last 3am this day I have written this reply. It was the Ritual 1 from DOM, After doing License to Depart, I snuffed out the candle and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes, then my left ear had a slight ringing. Then i can clearly hear conversations in full English from the spirtual realm that are connected to my petition to him. I also can hear random pop like, synthlike and also kinda melodic music while I was still lying down and fell asleep. Cool manifestation of Duke Agares for me, like it was wonderful in some way :slight_smile:

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As someone who has had tinnitus for nearly 50 years I hope you don’t have it. No everyone can handle it.