Revolutionary Idea: Maybe less time with your nose buried in a grimoire?

And more time working and studying investing and brainstorming in ways to create wealth.

Occultists tend to be dreamers and fantasists than people with business acumen. Who do you think is going to have better “luck” at manifesting wealth? Of course, it’s not as much fun for the artistic magical type to actually have to invest time in more boring, pragmatic indulgences such as studying financial matters and applying creativity to those things as such.

But who do you think is going to have more financial abundance at the end of the day?

Money is real power in the physical world.

Don’t get me wrong. I obviously have my interest and experience in the occult and magick, but there is this thing called “balance” that I often find so lacking in the magick/occult community and admittedly, within myself, so I am addressing me as much as perhaps others. :wink:

I magickally felt days before that gold and silver would drop hugely first week of october (as a post of mine on another forum can testify). Too bad I didn’t invest in shorting precious metals. I should have trusted more my psychic abilities.
Another supernatural vivid vision I am getting over and over again is Hillary Clinton falling sick, fainting, during next debate with Trump. This would cause a sudden spike in gold and silver and a drop of all stocks for weeks. Also would probably make Trump President. I see Hillary falling on her right towards Trump who suddenly of course move his left arm and leg trying to go to help her and everybody get agitated and doctors show up for Hillary.

I agree with her fainting. I had the idea and remembering a quote Trump said “Its the End that matters…” that perhaps something like that would happen considering her health.

As to the OP’s original post… Well… I do not really think of Occult Abilities as a Fantasy… I think of them as an “investment,” a tool that should be created and expanded upon.

The exact same laws that make magic possible are in play every day in the world of finance. So, if a magician is really a magician, and not an armchair theorist, and he truly desires wealth, he will have it.

Definitly what i think as well

Did I start this thread?

Man, the posts I make when I’m drunk. I’m amazed I can even write that well sauced.

I pretty much agree, anyone who doesn’t know what the rule of 72 is (for example) should probably not be asking for more money than they need to make it through the next month, because based on observations, they’ll just waste it.

[quote=“Iam Incide, post:6, topic:8593”]Did I start this thread?

Man, the posts I make when I’m drunk. I’m amazed I can even write that well sauced.[/quote]

Usually the opposite for me. I’m thoroughly convinced I’m writing a masterpiece when I’m under the influence. Sober up, and it’s like, “Jesus Christ, what the fuck was I thinking?”, lol.

More to the point, follow the format of money magick, which is similar to but a bit different than the format of ritual magick.

Also - and for some strange reason, nobody on this or any other board seems to have thought of this - build a relationship with the god of money in this world. Here is his statue.

Download a personal finance app and link it up to your bank account and credit cards to check your spending habits.

Then read this post by Kim Kiyosaki to check the money flows of the poor, middle class, and rich. Figure out where you are and where you want to be.

Then make adjustments to change your flow so it flows like the rich. Here is what you do, it is not complicated, it’s simple, but simple ain’t easy. Anyway, for more information, here.

During all of this, you want to make a habit of checking your credit at Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. You may also want to figure out how to clean your credit if you need to.

This only takes a couple of weeks to start, but it may take a couple of years to finish.

Magick requires an active imagination. Business when done properly is about the most unimaginative, mind-numbingly boring thing you can do unless you enjoy doing math homework. They are not the same at all.

Wealth that sticks around has nothing to do with luck for most business types, it’s a math deal.

Pretty much

Well, fiat money is not real money. The monetary system is a mass delusion. Having said that, the love of money most people have gives the rich a lot more authority than anyone in magick is able to get, that’s for sure.

In other words, finish your math homework before you continue daydreaming on BALG.

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Also, even if its not a new Idea, going to College and University and educating yourself to get a Good Job, well paid and secure, that ensure a good Flow of Money in your Life, such as a Liar, Doctor etc…

Will first allow you to spend more money on new innovative project, or at least have more freedom to work on those new idea

[quote=“Mephistor, post:10, topic:8593”]Also, even if its not a new Idea, going to College and University and educating yourself to get a Good Job, well paid and secure, that ensure a good Flow of Money in your Life, such as a Liar, Doctor etc…

Will first allow you to spend more money on new innovative project, or at least have more freedom to work on those new idea[/quote]

No it won’t.

This might vary by country, or even city - it’s relatively easy in London to get ahead without a degree, but perhaps harder elsewhere?

Even a Muslim can get ahead in London? hehe I couldnt resist. But when you mean get ahead in London is easier what do you mean?

Well the thing is with a college degree it just simply opens the doors to specialized jobs that make you more money, but thats common sense. Unless of course you have a better idea of what you could do with money besides spending it on a degree. a Degree used to be the thing for those who were more well off like upper middlr class and rich, but not so much the case now, though it is still expensive.

I think it depends how sharp their knife is, they should usually be able to get at least one head if they keep the blade keen. :stuck_out_tongue:

On a more serious note, we have a Muslim mayor as you know, and it’s not a ceremonial role, he makes policy decisions.

But when you mean get ahead in London is easier what do you mean?
Networking is a good way to get ahead here in a lot of fields, like media, advertising, promo work, the arts, etc. - the old saying "it's not what you know, it's WHO you know" is correct.

If you can make a good impression and get your foot in the door, you can usually make your way provided the quality of your work’s good, you’re trustworthy, not given to bitterness, and if you’re the kind of person people like to be around.

I’ve talked in an earlier post about disliking industries that won’t hire from their “lower ranks” and insist on only taking graduates for management roles, but in London there are still some fields where that’s less of a problem.

I previously posted how to come across as a leader in this post, all of those things are very useful to the aspiring social climber, as well. “Dress for the job you want” is also true, though NEVER outdress the person whose decision can affect you, don’t even try to compete with someone like that. :slight_smile: