Reverse adoption

Hello everyone i was on a website called Liliths treasure tavern, if anybody has heard of it i have just purchased a reverse adoption which only cost me only $92 Australian dollars it very exciting for Get yourself adopted custom! Reverse adoption Dark arts it fills like i have just being promoted, if you all want to know there is a large amount available looking for companions.:smiley::+1:

I actually checked it out and it was…interesting. Why the limitation on what your “companion” will do for you, though? If someone needs a demonic teacher would it not just make more sense to ask one their self? I just don’t see any function of having a bound item if you are not already somewhat capable of doing it for yourself in the first place. It’s probably quite powerful, but in the hands of someone who might need it would it do them any good? What kind of a read are you getting so far?