Reveal evidences related to a case - summon an angel or a demon?

Hello everyone,
This is my second post, the first being my introduction.

I am working on a complicated case as an investigator where most of the evidences have been destroyed or wiped out. I tried summoning Vassago about 2 weeks back based on the book “Goetia Pathworking” ( I drew his sigil on my notebook in blue ink) but I haven’t received a single sign yet. So, thinking that summoning an angel would be a better idea I got the book “72 angels of magick by Damon Brand”. Interestingly, a guy I met on reddit suggested that I ask Raziel to reveal the secret and summon Metatron to speed up the process. Since I am in a kind of urgency (3 weeks deadline) I don’t want to take more risk and waste my precious time.

So I’d like to know if I should try calling one of demons or an angel for my work? Also, do I need to be in an altered state of consciousness while summoning for the ritual to work better, and if yes can I try simple meditation or binaural beats to get me into that state?
Or maybe do you think there is a better alternative for someone who has recently started to dabble in magick without great success?

Thank you.


Search here for the simple evocation guide. I don’t have the link handy or I’d drop it in. It’s definitely in the tutorial thread somewhere.

You could call on all three of them for the task. How effective it will be will depend on how hard it is to get the additional evidence to you (in time).

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Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide - New Magician Help & Introductions - Become A Living God

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Thank you so much. By the way do you think I can evoke other spirits in the meantime for other purpose before this one is manifested/ fails to manifest? How long should I wait for the next magick work? Also, you’ve mentioned that I may summon up all 3 for the same task? Wouldn’t that create a disagreement?
Thank you again


The only way out is through.
With evocation, start woth the sigil and a lit candle and incense in a darkened room. Black mirror is usually standard in a drawn triangle while you are in a drawn circle.
Let your gaze rest on the propped up sigil and stare and gaze at it, letting your gaze relax.
The lines should move on their own, flashing.
Call the spirit in and stste request.
Give license to depart after timeframe and vehicle to assure results.

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If you take a picture immediately, you should spot a colored orb.

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thank you fuego

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Why Vassago in particular? You can invoke anyone, angel, demon, elementals, fae, gods.

Because in his book “Goetia Pathworking” Corwin Hargrove has mentioned that Vassago helps with revelation of secrets. In your opinion, which is the best angel to invoke for the particular work ? Also, revelation of the secret is not enough; I need evidences that can be presented in legal context.

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2 angels - Nemamiah and Ariel

You will need to look up The Golden Dawn and find the rose wheel to create their sigils.

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Thanks. So you recommend that I summon both? I possess the book “72 angels of magick”. should I buy the book you mentioned to call them?

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I always recommend reading The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie, also called the Big Black Brick.
In it there is a book on evocation.

They should all work together, but asking that they do couldn’t hurt.

You can work with others for other things, for sure. Keep each ritual focused on a specific task, though. Keeps it cleaner when you’re taking notes

I will a agree with @anon39079500

Break your workings by task or at least project

Not a PI so excuse any misuse of concepts most of it is from crime dramas and novels

One ritual:
Quickly find missing/secreted away evidence on Case cds34432

This can be a mix of entities but all focus must be on finding the evidence quickly

Second ritual
Success in the court interactions on Case cds34432

Third ritual
Success with your career

Honestly I would suggest a break of 30 minutes at least between rites

You have to push your will, need, desire and emotions into the rituals
This is exhausting in emotional and mental stamina/focus

I also suggest a separate personal notebook for journaling the ritual and impressions

Sometimes the answer will flash to mind as if you are reminded of a thought you had and forgot rather than a voice or anything overt

The notebook can be anything even a spare legal pad in a color you can not use for work… it doesn’t need to be a fancy leather journal

Hope this helps
Good luck

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In my own experience, demons work more quickly.

Would recommend the books Demons of Magick and / or Magick of Angels and Demons by Gordon Winterfield and Henry Archer respectively.

If the evidence was tech-based (i.e. calls recordings, emails, texts), you may also want to work with Xa’Turing (google or search the forum) for assistance in recovering it.

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Seems like you have very little confidence in magick and haven’t stepped outside the metaphorical box much.

I am going to suggest that you not think about it in terms of waiting for achievement or failure. Instead, consider your options calmly and work from there. While books are great, owning all the (informational and how-to) books in the world and even reading them through isn’t the same as actual practice and confidence in yourself. It’s not the number of demons you ask, it’s about why you’ve chosen a certain being and what you’re putting out (intention, energy, work, etc.).

Instead of having “secrets revealed” as your keyword on your hunt for spirits, have you considered ones that help with legalities and manipulation? I agree with @Veil that demons work, for me at least, in more predictable ways in that I know what I’m getting, but if you’re interested in common angels I’ll suggest Michael (justice related reasons) or Lucifer (for the other side). Otherwise, I would really like to recommend King Paimon but he’s a bit intimidating I think…my experiences with him and others I’ve read lead me to believe he’s not as newbie-friendly. As per other demons, I recommend scanning through the Goetia or other pantheons (again, some entities are better to begin with than others so be mindful which I say because your posts make it seem like you’ve jumped off the deep end a bit).

With regard to the suggested reading (disclaimer that I haven’t read any of those titles), read and learn but don’t treat any occult book as a bible. They’re not. There are so many ways to get results.