Returning member to retry all of this


I’m “Frozen” I was a member on this forum years ago.

I tried basic chaos sigils, the EA demonic sigil magick and a few other canned methods from other authors. I had minimal success, until I purchased a working from JS Garrett and saw a result manifest within days. And it was absolutely earth shattering. Like take your breath away type of stuff.

I unfortunately was stupid. Far stupider than I had thought and royally fucked up that result.

Since, I’ve struggled majorly with my mental health, addiction and money and as a result stopped even trying with magick. Aside from some halfassed attempts at chaos sigils and Henry Archer demon magick.

I’m getting back on my feet and want to get my mind around this stuff to achieve something like the life I want.

Thanks for having me back again :canada:


Welcome @Frozenat31

Do you remember what you original account was? Duplicates are against the forum rules so it will need to be closed.

How long have you been practicing?

What are your areas of magical interest?

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I actually don’t remember the old user name or anything. It was probably a good three or four years ago. I’m sorry, I’ll try using an old email to log in and see if I can’t close the old account or something. I’ll do that as soon as write this reply.

Honestly, I was very interested and bought up a ton of reading materials and a couple of courses years back (old account days) but never really committed myself to fully developing myself or diving in. And that’s simply on me and my personal flaws. So, I personally wouldn’t say that I practice.

I’ve fiddled with the occult off and on since childhood. My parents were relics from the satanic panic era and I used to just blindly try stuff. Like drawing a pentagram on my bedroom floor and “praying” to different entities that my parents would talk about. At eleven or twelve.

I’ll fix the account issue as soon as I can.

I used an old email and got logged into my older account, I’ve now contact the BALG help people to have it removed. My apologies.

They can’t do anything. The help desk has nothing to do with the forum. What is the username? I will close it.

Ok, it was Srobb1.

Done. The old account is closed. Thank you :slight_smile:

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Thank you!

Welcome back to the forum.


Thank you! I believe I’m here to stay now

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Glad to see you again :slightly_smiling_face: Welcome back to the Community!


Thank you for having me

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