Results from working with Hagith

Soo I have also recently paid a magician to summon the Olympian spirit Hagith to greatly increase my outward beauty. I will be posting the future results on this post


Well for starters over the past few days since the spell has been casted, I’v had this random urges / spikes to exercise. Whether it be in my room, the weight room, ect. I’v been looking at my appearance more, and I’v noticed that I seem to be building muscle quite faster than usual… it could be me just imagining things yes but It doesn’t seem to be on mere couincidents…


Just wanted to say, I’ve heard that the Olympic Spirits essentially give you the tools to do what you need to do, instead of influencing others, so I thought this was interesting. I’ve only worked with the Olympic Spirits once, and it was with Hagith, but from that I find this isn’t always true, they can influence others for sure.

It was wonderful working with Hagith, I’d definitely like to work with the Olympic Spirits more in the future, definitely very powerful. I also felt after working with him that I became more attractive physically the days following, even though my request wasn’t related to beauty, maybe just a placebo, although I find with some spirits there tends to be a kind of aftereffect after working with them.