Resources On The Watchers/Grigori

I’ve been wanting to work more with the Watchers/Grigori and I realized the information on them is very nebulous so I thought I’d start a page of the stuff I find in case anyone else would find this useful too and so others can add to resource list if they want.

Resources I’ve Found So Far:

The Books of Enoch (classic of course xD)

Awakening Lucifer - Asenath Mason (Has a section of Shemyaza thats very insightful)

Egregori - Valentin Scavr (Broken English but still worth the read. It is the scripture dedicated to the Cult of the Guardians/Watchers.)

Qabalah, Qliphoth, and Goetic Magick - Thomas Karlson (Talks a little about the Watchers and why they might have lusted after human women and how this connects to The Tree of Life)

J.S. Garret’s Master Key is amazing!

The Covenant of Samyaza (This document claims to be written under the inspiration of the Samyaza as a rewrite of the book of Enoch)

V.K Jehennum has both a hymn and a pathworking for Samyaza that I found super helpful.

Stellas Daemonum - David Crowhurst (mentions them in correlation to astrology)

Evoking the Spirits of the Book of Enoch - Anousen Leonte (A chaos magick approach to evoking them and the best part is it includes sigils for each one!)

Pathworking of the Watchers - Churaki Ashan (Includes things they have found each can help you with)

BlackWitchCoven website has information and invocations for Sariel, Shemyaza, Shamsiel, Azazel, and Asbeel.

Obviously, there’s a ton of stuff on Azazel that people can find so I won’t list all that here but the other Watchers are much harder to find stuff on.


@MoonFlower There’s Fallen Angels: The Watchers & The Witches Sabbat by Michael W Ford.

Fallen Angels

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The Book Of The Watchers-Ars Aurora

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Blasphemies of the Ascendent by Martin Mcgreggor, found in Deification Magick Spell book.

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A new book called:
Liber Nephilim by Frater Barrabbas

I have gotten to read this one yet but I hope to soon!


Lucifer Princeps

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