Requisite Inroduction Complete

Hello I’m Tomek. The Dragon called me, I ignored it, then revealed itself to me, I entertained it, but my attention was to my “life.” The Dragons Fire then enveloped me from out of no where, and my illusion was left in broken shards at my feet. The big house, fast cars, motorcycles, all the things people dream of, that I spent my life to acquire, mean nothing. Afterwards I found The Draconian Ritual Book and was relieved that Asenath basically explained the entire process that I just accidently lived through, including the electric and ecstatic tingles that randomly shot up my spine from my tailbone up to my head. The life I was so proud of, is now more of an anchor that must be destroyed, but I love it, fuck the labels and attachments. Working my way to freedom, bumping along blindly through the night, so I may rid myself of all these “things” and retire by 45 to a life of true solitude in the mountains. Far the fuck away from humanity. Currently infatuated with a black scaled entity that answers to Belial, among other names. Didn’t intend on doing a lengthy intro at first, but I went from Hi I’m Tomek. To this. Funny how things evolve when we just flow.



Where do you hail from?

Do you actively practice magick, or simply go with the entities that approach you?

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What a life, indeed. I’m 41 & retired, but can only wish to retreat into my dream home built in the mountains. Until my babies are grown and out of my house all I can do is dream and plan…but it will happen.

Welcome to the forum Tomek, your dreams will become a reality soon. :wave:t4::grinning:

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In the countryside outside of Raliegh, NC. I think I practice, I try the best I know how. Mostly I meditate and go with whatever comes to me. I’m still relatively new to the LHP and magic in general. I’ve never fell for the religions of control that are programmed into most of us at birth, and was big into different sects of Mahayana Buddhism in my 20’s. I haven’t had that “major breakthrough” yet, I’m torn with the Engineering mindset that served me so well, if I can prove it substancially, I immediately doubt. Which I’m told is my biggest blockage, I’m trying though. I have had some amazing experiences, but this ignorant mind seems to immediately cloud the experience with doubt. I will say I do the work that is in the Draconian Ritual Book, everyday.

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Funny how, what once where my dreams, I accomplished. Yet now they are what is in my way to what I truly want, and not want “they” told me I wanted, and programmed me to want. Ironic. Thank you for the warm welcome.

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This is a natural function of the human mind, where it can make even the most ecstatic experiences into something mundane and blah. I’ve been actively practicing ceremonial magick for over two decades now and I still doubt. Scepticism is a good habit to keep though; it helps to prevent getting lost in delusion and fantasy. The trick, however, is knowing when to let it go.

How long have you been practicing from the Draconian Ritual Book? There are others here who have worked from it so you might find some helpful information if you try a search.

I’ve been practising from it for, maybe, 8 months? At first I sought all answers from without, but as of a few months ago, I had the realisation that it should come from within. I just have to learn to communicate and open the right doors, I’m still groping in the dark for the handle… but I refuse to stop.

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I saw a dragon in my dream once. Although, according to the psychic I spoke to regarding him, it was more like the dragon’s “shadow” or something like that. Strange thing was that he looked more like a demon with his black eyes and long horns.

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It may seem strange, till you think of the probability that they are one and the same. :smiling_imp:

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