Removed posts

Thanks for saying that @Eibwen_glab.

One thing I really appreciate about BALG overall is how people with sometimes VERY different viewpoints can have discussions and be friends or at least acquaintances at the end of the day.

Some love Angels, some Demons, Djinn, Voodoo, spiritual individualism, or all of the above (and more I didn’t mention) and yet most people on here can respect each other. I dig the people (egregores, spirits, etc) of BALG. :ok_hand:t4:


Absolutely! :smiley:

I just want to cap this off by clarifying where the lines are drawn.

These are all okay:

  • I want to make/have made my hot straight friend gay for sex/long-term relationship

  • I want to make/have made my hot gay friend straight for sex/long-term relationship

  • I want to change/have changed my sex/sexual preference/species

  • I want to change/have changed someone else’s sex/sexual preference/species

These are not okay:

  • you shouldn’t have turned your straight friend gay because that’s against Allah/Jesus/karma

  • you cannot turn your gay friend straight because you’re (insert gendered/political terminology implying moral defects)

  • you must’t try to change your sex because it’s (insert gendered/political terminology implying moral defects)

  • you cannot change someone else’s species because it’s immoral and will damn you to hell.

Sometimes people ask for feedback, but this was very plainly a thread asking for the most unlikely things someone has accomplished, so not asking for input of that kind.

Passing comments, like the first post LadyJade made up here happen sometimes, they’re fine, no biggie, when it turns into a conversation (especially including identity politics of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity) it’s going to get removed, as I did here, if it’s in-depth chat that’s going somewhere maybe made PM, or in this case, just taken out so the thread can continue. :+1:

It’s about everyone being able to speak about what they did, and the personal rules and values someone else holds dear to their own heart, cannot stop them sharing that. :man_shrugging:

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