Removed posts: i-m-reaching-out-to-the-adepts-the-advanced-to-be-apart-of-something-great/103757

Blah, blah, blah. All this is but a creative word salad to be the centre of a circle jerk. All the edgelords and ladies above must really like this one.

Listen, boy, evolution is always happening and a change will happen but not the way you think it is and will unfold according to the Highest’s Will. What you do or don’t do won’t make any difference. Your experience is but a dust particle in the desert. You are not “chosen” or special. Beings which are above duality/polarity are all-pervasive, they do not need to be “brought into” our world. While they orchestrate everything, they are very much hands-off. Those that operate under them have only the main concern of bringing evolution through the very Nature of everything rather than some pointy thing. To lump them in with entities from localised “infernal dark” realm is a joke.


Interesting point though probably could of been said without the demeaning part no?


That’s probably the secret wish of every Blackmagic male or woman :sweat_smile:



I am the highest will, I am chosen, as are all who step in their damn circles and connect to their most divine self, assuming in that very moment what it means to be God.

If you don’t believe in that, then get off this post and listen, don’t call me “boy” okay you have a good day now :kissing_heart::smirk:


The most divine self is the ever-present inherent nature, you don’t need to step inside a circle to connect to it.

I called you “boy”, and you responded like one.

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The circle is the metaphor that gives people the focal point to tap into something “more”. Which is inherently within themselves, the inner merged with the outer, as above so below, the micro and the macrocosm. So in that moment the circle just like many other magickal tools, allows them to tap into the unfolding of the furnace of godhood within, once again diving into the flames of transfiguration.

Secondly calling me “boy” is just tragic, really destroys someone’s standing/credibility when in a debate they have to personally call them things.


Thank you, it’s quite normal but if someone does not agree I’m pretty sure that’s their right and can move along instead of derailing the whole thread.


My point still stands. It is your very nature, and “Tapping into” implies separation from that and only limits yourself. Every fibre of your being is that, there is no transfiguration. But hey, go ahead and enjoy child’s play.

Also, it’s not that deep.

Separation is an illusion, nothing is separate in the various subtle degrees of spiritual existence, also even in this physical plane, we are now seeing that things are all connected through what some call “Quantum Entanglement”.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: I’m Reaching Out To The Adepts, The Advanced, To Be Apart Of Something Great

My thoughts exactly.

It’s my job to be no fun and unpopular, so @Zyazazu cool it, please, working threads are NOT referendums as to whether other members may do as they choose. Nor should OP’s have to waste time explaining and defending their work from those whose understanding or worldview differs in some way.

If you don’t like this, hop it and do something more constructive. :+1:


@C.Kendall “That which is already connected.” :man_facepalming:t2:
@Lady_Eva I understand if you are unhappy with the name calling, but other than that It’s an online forum and people are free to give their opinions irrespective of what the OP might think. Everyone is just eating up what this guy says and it’s good to have someone who questions that. If he feels like his “work” is undermined because it’s not logic proof and does not speak for itself, well…

If you have to go ahead and ban me I don’t care.

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Sometimes I get argumentative for no reason when I’m drunk too.

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No they’re not though, because we had this issue as far back as 2016, someone makes a working thrread then their time gets wasted endlessly defending the work from people who can’t understand it, or whose morals or philosophies are on a different page.

This is NOT the Thunderdome, you don’t fight to “last man standing” any time someone expresses a worldview or comprehension of anything you happen not to like in a working thread especially. It’s right there in the rules:

It’s your call to make, you’re free to think any post is drivel, but you cannot try to operate a heckler’s veto on someone’s working topic by picking and criticising and telling them their understanding of stuff is all wrong and only you have The Truth, we had situations where that was tried and no-one was happy, so giving people room to express their working groups etc was decided upon.

I’m going to tidy all this off in a minute, are you good with dropping this or do I have to restrict your account? Genuine question, this is about the behaviour, not about who’s right or wrong. :slight_smile:


Right in the center :wink: