Removed posts: demon-lillith-threatens-to-kill-me/151950/

Let’s get back to helping the op

Have you played the mantras I gave you

That’s not true at all, she doesn’t discriminate, she can very well help him if he calls her with devotion

The head is a demon’s head

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In this case I would highly suggest not to call on her. I can give you citations on why this would not be wise in this situation.

Can you just not fight with everyone that opposes you?

This is truly not a demon head or a demon she has her foot on.

For this situation do not use her unless you want another lesson while trying to get out of a bad situation.


I’m offering counter opinions, saying Kali wouldn’t like him because he’s male is incorrect.

He should be careful yes, because any entity could harm him. But it’s not because he’s male, that doesn’t mean anything to Kali, he could very well get her blessings as much as a female can.

Otherwise I wouldn’t have suggested the mantra to him.

In any case, I gave him the Hanuman mantra as well

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She has her foot on Shiva, Shiva pretended to be dead to calm her down, she didn’t hurt him but she thought she did, so she got shocked, that’s why her tounge is out

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I did not say that I said she is known o not like men and in his state it would not be wise to call on her. It would start a test he can’t handle. Also this isn’t about you. I just came to drop a message and go.

She is a Hindu feminist icon and just not a good fit for parasite removal. She is about empowerment of the more feminine side not taking down parasites.

This is a self help self save situation because there’s a lesson to be learned.


No you’re right, we discussed about Kali

@MagickVigilante everyone that has come on here and gave advice that wasn’t in line with yours you post back on and detailed the post. This is not your post. This is not your way or the highway. I am not even the first calling you out on this on this post. Please to stop derailing and making it about you.

@Lady_Eva can you clean this up. The OP is in a dire situation and derailing and arguing will not help him.


I’ll shut up I guess, meant no harm

What you are doing is harmful. You are pulling attention away from something that is dangerous. You went after three different people that opposed you high jacking the post and attention for the OP who truly need help and guidance. This isn’t even the first time.

Even though o don’t see a dead for OP if he doesn’t get the help he needs it could truly turn into life or death because of his mental state deteriorating. He said he was struggling with dangerous and deadly thoughts before this so it is he that needs our time and attention.


K sis, I just tried to help the op, he can very well disregard my advice, it’s his choice, I’m not forcing him to do anything

Done, @MagickVigilante with respect, the replies on that other thread seem to generally not benefit when you wade in, so please let it be. :+1: