Religion As A Control Mechanism

The universe came from source. None of us are foolish or arrogant enough to try and understand an omnipresent consciousnesses that created the universe and multiverse, that is something that religious people do.

This priest has it figured it out however. He’s awesome. It would be nice if all were like him. He’s absolutely correct in everything he says.


Sounds like you bought into the world view of the Abrahamic religions there. The Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

But that’s not the only world view out there and it’s certainly not the oldest creation myth known to humans.

For example, according to the Sumerian world view, the Source was called Abzu, the Abyss. It was the primordial sea of darkness that creation originated from. The Sumerians symbolized it as a black sea made of fresh water.

Tiamat, the Mother of All Creation, came from Abzu and was his consort. She was symbolized as a great dragon and also as a sea made of salt water.

The Sumerians viewed Tiamat and Abzu as two halves of the whole of creation. The Form and the Formless. One of the clay tablets had a passage that described their union like this: “And their waters were as one.”

The Sumerians clay tablets are the oldest form of writing we have discovered at this time.

And that’s just one possible alternative world view.

I completely reject the Abrahamic world view and refuse to let it poison my mind. If you look at the tenets of those religions, you can clearly see they were designed to control people and turn them into slaves.

No thanks. I’ll keep my own power rather than giving it away.


Not sure if you watched the video, but that’s basically what the priest says lol

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Nope, I didn’t watch the video. And I don’t really care what a priest says. I was just answering a legitimate question based on my own personal experiences.


You should, because he basically says that it’s all made up to control people.

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Define hell for me. If you mean hell as in the judeo-Christian doctrine then yes, it is a thoughtform and not a real astral realm.

Hell (excluding the Judeo-Christian gibberish) exists. It is a real astral plane, but it is nothing like described in the bible.

It all boils down to; If you believe it, then it is real to you because Christianity is a religion of faith.


I think you got it wrong. Tiamat lived in the dark, sour and putrid waters and her consort Kingu (you can spell it like Qingu) lived in the fresh, clean and sweet waters. Abzu was a cloud in-between. The waters symbolize their energies which eventually mixed.

The creation myth is pretty long but in the end; The youngest of the gods called Malkuth (I know a Sephirothic sphere is also called that) kills Tiamat and her monster horde. He makes the mountains out of her breasts and shit. He makes humans out of Kingu’s blood. The end.

Correct me if I’m wrong though. :smile:

Oh and yeah, them mixing their energies caused the creation of the gods and of the universe.

Abzu featured more in the older Sumerian tablets while Kingu was more prevalent in the Babylonian tablets.

Basically, myths and stories change as they move from place to place to serve the rulers in that area.

Malkuth is a Hebrew word. The god you’re thinking of is Marduk, the son of Enki. He was rarely mentioned in the Sumerian tablets, but rose to a place of prominence as the primary god of Babylon.

If you look at the “Fifty Names of Marduk”, you can see where the Babylonians took Sumerian gods and goddesses and claimed they were actually just different names for Marduk. I personally believe that was the first (unsuccessful) attempt at creating a mono-theistic religion to control people.

I agree with you on this. “And their waters were as one” is a very powerful magickal secret if you can discover it for yourself.

I’m not a historian and I’m certainly no expert. I’ve just done the research for my own ascent and find I resonate with the Sumerian world view more than any others I’ve found.


As the priest says, trying to sum up and understand creation in a book made up of a collection of fables is bonkers.

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It doesn’t limit evil. It is easy to argue that it creates it, so much death and destructions has taken place in the name of religion even today. Imagine if Islam got its way. I’ve seen what would happen in a reality where it does. Human advancement stops and it basically turns into a Mad Max scenario. It’s fucked.

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Absolutely correct my friend, absolutely correct.

I had a feeling that it wasn’t Malkuth that is why I said a Sephirothic sphere has that name. I was too lazy to check the grimoire of Tiamat :smile: .

I’ve read a bit of that and most of visions from the Darkside. I stopped bexause Frater GS said it is dangerous for the inexperienced.

You seem experienced my friend, is that really the case? Shouldn’t the inexperienced do this?

I’ve split these posts into their own topic, they’re interesting but off-topic from that thread. :slight_smile:


Since we are all on and about religion, let’s play a game.

Say you are interested in forming a new religion to control, how would you go about doing it? Would you allow only in true God, or would it be a pantheon? Would it be built upon blood and sword or passing of dank memes?


Sorry, @Lady_Eva. I was a bad boy again. sigh I’ll never learn my lessons. :smiling_imp:

Thanks for splitting it out and doing the thankless grunt work. Well, I guess it’s not totally thankless now. lol

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Yes, to religion being a control mechanism. What I like about BALG in all of its outlets is that it is against creating a system of dogma that keeps people bound. Even occult organizations are going the way of organized religion, trying to produce YES-MEN before they are willing to give the slightest bit of knowledge or training. In trying to destroy the Abrahamic religions, they justify their existence in becoming just like them.

As Timothy has said “Death to the occult, and Long Live Magic!”

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I think the source that created everything is a force in nature, a force we can tap into our self for our magick to get results in the physical world.

But yes dogma is bad for the occult, we should be able to discuss things and learn from each other so we can find a truth that everyone can agree on :slight_smile:

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Hell isn’t about controlling sheeple. It’s a teaching that god loves you and if you don’t love him back and follow all his impossible, spirit breaking and mentally destructive rules he’ll torture you for all eternity. The xtian god reckons that torturing his son to death was a good thing! And his son, Numb Nuts, was resurrected because vampires never die! Essentially Numb Nuts didn’t die, he just sacrificed his weekend.

It’s about time that people like you got on your knees and repented for being a human being, because if you don’t it’ll be hell and the gnashing of teeth forever and ever. Amen. That’s now much the xtian god loves you and don’t forget it! Now, before you get on your knees, hand me all of your money you miserable sinner! Pay. Pray. Obey.

Now if you’ll just excuse me, I’ve a little altar boy to see to. “Suffer the little children”; my word they do! After that I’ll just wash myself in the blood of the lamb and be forgiven.


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God loves you SO MUCH, that if HE can’t have you, no one will!


Who created the universe ?
“Creator and creation are one and the same.” “Everything is self creating by virtue of it’s own Essence”.
Quote from David R. Hawkins MD. Ph. Power vs, Force is one of his books.

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