Reincarnation & Soul Creation

Here comes another random philosophical thought that’s been rattling around in my head… if humans are spirits that are uniquely able to repetitively incarnate into human bodies, where do new souls come from to account for the increase in global population?

For example, a few decades ago, the world population was about 4 billion. Now it’s about 7 billion. Where did those extra 3 billion incarnatable spirits come from?

If no one knows, I’d also appreciate suggestions on entities to evoke to find out for myself. :slight_smile:


i had the same thought the same thing but ended up with they wait in line till more bodys are made.


The more I think about it, the more complex the problem is. Technically, there’s been about 108.5 billion people who have ever been born. So the difference could be made up that way, although that wasn’t always the case earlier on in human history. However, there’s another caveat here - spirits don’t experience time the same way we do.

I will add more detail in a bit. Does anyone know of a spirit who can inform on this?


Probably a creator god

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yeah but that doesn’t mean the souls all came from one planet tho.


I dont know the answer for sure.

However, I think everything has a soul, and a soul can incarnate as a human -or anything else-. The ‘extra souls’ could be other beings (spirits) reaching out for manifestation on the physical, or beings who have lived here on earth that get a chance to incarnate as humans (like dogs, birds, etc).


Do you believe there is a god or set of gods who are responsible for creation of life? I have a hard time believing that because it’s been shown that inorganic chemicals, when mixed in ratios similar to those of primordial Earth, can self-assemble to engage in biological reactions. Unless you meant ‘creator’ in the figurative or philosophical sense of course.

Interesting point! In that case, are you suggesting that there are a finite number of spirits that swap between planets, i.e. for our population to go up another on another planet must go down?

I like this idea a lot. That said, presumably all of these spirits came into existence at some point. Is the number finite? Is it a fundamental feature of the universe that arises from the Big Bang and the inflaton field? Hmm… :thinking:


You’re asking for a spirit of that nature, so by elimination, you’re going to want a god, who In their mythology, is said to create humans.

As for the rest of it I don’t understand a word you said lol

maybe if there was life on mars the planet dies so the souls get reincarnated on another planet that supports life

this vid gave me the idea.:point_down:


That makes sense. If they’re said to have created humans, then surely they at least know how humans came to be. Any suggestions on a particular one?

Oops, sorry, that’s the scientist in me getting overly excited haha. I was essentially saying that if you take basic chemicals that we know used to be on earth in the beginning before there was life, and you mix them together in a way that is similar to how they would have been mixed at that time, they self-assemble into molecules required for life - no spirits required. So my point was that the creation of life does not, technically speaking, require otherworldly intervention.




Sorry, but nope, that’s BS.

Ever looked into the halls of the dead?

Trust me, this world is far away from overpolution.
It’s an Agenda, based on false believes. :wink:

But, even if it would be true, let me go into that idea for a moment:

Look, when life reproduces, it is usually producing more then necessary for survival of an kind.
Mostly becouse life is re-consuming itself again and again and again.

Now here’s the thing:
Everything eates each other.
So the living Energy is transformed in countless ways, and if you look at it from this angle - how would any soul here around be young in any kind?


Well, but it’s becoming more, so therefore it must be creating new souls in some way, right?

Now, again, look at the reality right around you. Life goes through scycles, and repeats itself, overproviding and yet being balanced.

where comes that balance from, then?

well, if the pendulum swings to far in a direction, there’s re-correction towards the correct boundrys.

one of the reasons older beings work with us, is guidience. :wink:




The spirit Yash’alten Knows all about other planets .im working my way up to him.

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“Stop considering yourself, and you’ll cease to be.” - Azazel. :wink:


i love that describtion of godhood. xD


Gods are here.

Exactly here. :wink:

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If we assume that something called “God” (and i don’t mean biblical yahveh) is infinite source of all, and souls are part of it, it is easy to get unlimited number of spirits to incarnate.


I think there is SOMETHING, but I dont think it is a God. I dont think its an alien either. I think much like your speculation it was the singularity that spread out through the cosmos. The Source that is responsible for everything. From it arises everything we know, everything that is and will be. It is beyond time, space, and our mortal consciousness. It doesnt have a Mask, instead everything is a Mask of it.

I think there is an energetic matrix of sorts responsible for everything, that if we trace it back we will find the singularity.

Right now I am working through EA Mastering Soul Travel and Astral Projection course to find out the truth of this myself. So far, I have found his model of the realms to be very effective and logical in their explanation. He is actually the first model that I really liked. xD

^ There is a good summary of the idea of the dimensions presented in his course.


I believe that souls can and do migrate from one planet to another even one galaxy to another. A spirit once told me that Earth is a ‘purgatory-type’ planet and that souls are sent here to learn lessons. Or think of Earth as a huge reform school. For most here, life is not pleasant or so easy. The souls that have an ‘idyllic’ existence are being tested to see how long it will take them to screw it up and therefore go back to level one.
This really messed with my head and this is the first time I’ve ever discussed this and that’s because this is the only group that I’ve thought would be open to the message.


i can see that being true.


I was going to say the same thing !

and if you think about other creatures who become extinct and then their soul has to incarnate into something else.

now this is more of the Hinduism philosophy from what I understand.

I also wanted to add that Christians used to believe in reincarnation until one of the popes i believe in the 840ad changed the religion to co tell the masses easier. telling ppl they have one chance to obey if they want heaven and if not they go to help forever.

ita just amazing how many people and dull on Christian don’t even no their own religions history… if ignorance is bliss i guess :slight_smile:

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I’ve heard similar things as well. not from spirits tho but im glad you shared this.

I would love to no what the he’ll is really going on here whether I like the truth or not I still want to know it before I die