Reiki Tummo

Does anyone heard about or have experience with Reiki Tummo?

I have heard of it, read some. It seems like a selling point with hot words to catch your attention. Am not sure the efficacy of combining Reiki with Kundalini work, however that seems like open entry to failure on multiple ends (if we are talking about the brand here). I think time is better spent learning about energy manipulation via the Kudanlini exclusively.

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Thank you so much, I will just stick to my regular Kundalini practice. Do you know if there is a good alternative for Dhanurasana? Because I get pain at the front of my thighs when lifting my legs from the ground in that pose.

Modifications until you’re flexible enough to get into that pose (like leaning back and holding the floor instead, what have you). When it comes to advanced yoga poses, I find that regularly stretching and improving flexibility on the stubborn muscles helps. Invest in yoga blocks/etc, if necessary.

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Ok, do you know any asanas that are good for stimulating the Manipura?

For solar plexus? I usually breath into my diaphragm since I don’t know any pose for that with the exception of maybe cobra pose?

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Ahh the cobra pose, yes I always begin with a warm up followed by the Sun Salutation routine. I believe the cobra pose is in that routine.

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