Regret something magically

Besides, you’re talking about making amends - I’d talk to some angels about it-
But with some shit, making it right is about the fact that you get to live with the effects of your cruddy behavior - magick or otherwise. Speaking in general here- not necessarily “at” you.

Thats not what I am saying, you should take a look at the hermetic principles again. Good luck on your future journey!

One last thing, if you really fucked up with any spirit petition Hecate to clear the air she will definitely help you. But make an offering !!!

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Thanks, this is why I opened the thread, good luck you too :slight_smile:

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I don’t think I ever regret anything…I may want to tweak it next time, but it’s all about intentions for me.

I had one thing that I did which was incredibly dark and twisted and the results turned out to be more then I expected and it took me awhile to understand why, of course I was happy with the result … would I do it again probably yes.

IMO I think it depends on the path you’ve chosen regret is a strong word when it comes to things magical.
Normally the things we regret are the things we do without preparation, experience and without thought in to the consequences.