Regarding Satan Lucifer and his masks Quetzalcoatl

hi so in the other thread I mentioned my take on this spirit however I think that who and what I am contacting is indeed none of those concepts of Satan Lucifer etc this spirit is not a demon or an angel imo it is the actual life creator and it is far more ancient than any other demon angel spirit etc this entity that appears as a rainbow and a serpent is in connection with human life creation it also is connected with water it comes in the forms of a peacock a serpent a rainbow and a white light it feels really old and ancient it doesn’t have any true name but has been called many different ones such as Enki and Quetzalcoatl imo it is not Satan Lucifer or the Christian God YHWH it is something else I have been practicing the Shamanic path and doing meditation and this spirit is who I have made contact with… just sharing this experience


I really do not feel this spirit is connected with the concepts of Satan or Lucifer its not a demon or an angel and more of a God it is connected with Melek Ta’us Enki and Quetzalcoatl but it has no Christian connections it goes by these names but I am getting that it really has no set name for its self I see it in the forms lately as a serpent like bird that flies around and is made up of many bright rainbow colors it has connections with water and life creation… has anyone else experienced this spirit or is this something completely new…

it looks kind of like this a serpent like bird with feathers and scales but it comes in rainbow colors



basically want to know if I am going mad I have been doing a lot of intense meditation

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I forget where I heard this but it fits “if you have to ask if you are going crazy then you are not crazy”.

This is your work, your intuition. Everyone has there beliefs according to there environment and upbringing so it will be different for everyone.


it looks like this more like a Chinese dragon with wings like a bird and in rainbow colors

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I have a strong connection to Dragons.

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I don’t follow religions of any kind so my mind is open to all possibilities. I follow a more spiritual path with the foundation be Sumerian, Babylonian, Mesopotamian and Egyptian. I started there because it predates religion by thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years (depending on your belief).

My intuition tells me that up until religion came around everyone followed and/or worshipped whom they pleased and everyone got along just find.


And for the record I follow and work with:
Archangel Samael
Lilith and Baphomet.

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Google Photos


yeah OK so who I am seeing is in fact quetzalcoatl he is a rainbowed feathered serpent with connections to rain water and air he is a life creator and protector of man…

this is what the spirit I am seeing looks like 100% it is in fact Quetzalcoatl…


now why I am seeing quetzalcoatl via meditation I really don’t know…


ok so that dargons name is tanin’iver
i saw that dragon uncoundable times on 3 eye and meditation…

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hey man I also use those meditation balls and to make a childish side joke ha ha silver balls

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just google his name.i saw a shit ton of sigils that look similar to mine when i asked him for his sigilimage
those two look a lot to mine!
totaly fascinated :open_mouth:


the meditation balls I use are green one has a moon the other has a sun

hope you can see this clearly…


The rainbow dragon has connections to kundalini

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well kundalini comes in the form of a serpent /snake :dragon::snake:

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Mhm. Look of the symbolism of a dragon :wink:

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hail the great ancient rainbow serpent :rainbow: :dragon: