Refusing a spirit to work with. QUESTIONS

Not powerful enough it would seem. At that point, they had a golden opportunity to test new methodologies and explore new techniques.

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No, it wouldn’t. When a king asks his soldiers to remove someone, does it make him look weak? No, it doesn’t. It shows his authority.

A king commands, and his soldiers follow.


yea but i heard doesnt look good on a person when calling on Archangel or other being to get rid of a Demon.
Especially a well know Demonic King

I mean, :woman_shrugging: Imma get my shit done at the end of the day, right? Fuck appearances. :ok_hand::rofl:

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You heard? Do you know this for a fact? All you seem to be doing is repeating third hand information.

A demon king wants you to exert your divine authority. They expect it. They would see you as weak if you put up with bad behaviour from them. You wouldn’t let a human guest get away with refusing to leave, would you? So why would you put up with it from a demon you summoned?

Demons are known to test people. When Lady_ Eva first called upon Belial, he attacked her, and literally forced her to fight him with a blasting rod (which, if you’re not familiar with the term, is a wand specifically used for subduing spirits).


And summoning a demon wouldn’t?

Are you for real?

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Yea unfortunately i dont have experience, :confounded: i just read through threads here and leaves me with more questions.
Thank you for answering :pray:


I have had demons test my circle, which I had to enforce with my power, so never, ever, think calling upon an angel to kick a demon out is a show of weakness. Rather, it is a show of strength because it shows that you have allies willing to come at your call.

In my opinion, it’s all in how you approach it. You don’t want to summon the angel by begging for its help, for example. You summon it with your authority and command it to get rid of your rude guest, as a king would.

Of course, you could always attack the demon yourself and try to drive it off with your own power, if you think you are up to it. However, most modern LHP magicians don’t have a blasting rod, let alone know how to use one. There is too much religious kowtowing to demons these days so they don’t know what to do when things go wrong.


In my experience, nothing. Even if I started working with them and then stopped.

If you are sovereign, and working with daemons, then they, e.g. Azazel, have already told us, YOU are at the top of the hierarchy, and everything else comes after. This is your multiverse, learning how to navigate it and what you can do is one thing, learning your limits and then how to extend beyond them is the next.

Would they punish me for my choice?

Why? They’re not human, they don’t have quite the same egotistical view that humans have, so it’s not helpful to project fears of human behaviour onto them - you’re likely to get what you expect because you made it so. You have the power to do that, so don’t.

If I want to work alone and become my own mentor, my own teacher, my own God?

As noted above, if you are working with an entity that wants what’s best for you, they will want you to stand on your own two feet and get stronger, not be tied to them.

And if they do is it a possibility to block them, ignore them from interacting with me?

You can just tell them you’re not interested in the offer, you can banish, you can ward. They shouldn’t be trying this unless you set the energy that enables it first.

They must have your permission, that’s one of the rules of how daemon/deity-human interactions works.


My 2 coins on this thread…in one picture :wink:

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