Receiving Messages Thru Mundane Means or Grandiose Delusions?

Okay so, I know that what I am about to say a psychiatrist would quickly dismiss me as being schizophrenic as I have seen many things that we magicians experience on a daily basis listed in the DSM (diagnostic statistics manual for psychological disorders) as delusional and psychotic behaviors such as seeing and hearing demons, believing that magick is real, believing we have the power to influence change in our lives, and finding hidden meanings in things.

A psychiatrist would simply tell me that I am having a grandiose delusion but, we all know that sometimes demons can send us messages and answers to our questions in the most unexpected ways, like seeing certain symbols or hearing names repeatedly or being lead to a certain book or website thru a dream prophecy.

Earlier, I was watching a show on TV, an occult based show and I found this odd. In one of my songs that I wrote, one I have not published online yet, I speak of taking back what is rightfully ours. About the demons being the original ā€œgodsā€ of this world, their names corrupted by modern religion, cast aside like evil garbage and that one of my goals is to ultimately help these true gods take back what is rightfully theirs and ours. Their recognition as infinite divine type beings and our recognition as magicians, that we are real, that we do have power to influence change. A movement of sorts similar to E.A.'s where he is educating magicians on things that others wonā€™t dare teach you.

Anyway, while watching this show I was completely distracted with an art project and something made me feel like It was necessary to turn my attention to the screen for a moment. Just then, one character says to the magician several things that caught my attention but one of them was ā€œThis fight, is about taking back what is rightfully oursā€ and so on.

That was weird, because I say those exact words all the time in my songs, my spoken poetry recordings, in posts online, and when speaking to the demons and I felt like when watching that, like a demon was saying to me that they acknowledge what I was trying to do with my efforts and that my efforts are not going unnoticed and they are more than happy to help in any way they can. Itā€™s hard to explain without going into extreme detail but Itā€™s about equality, no longer the days of magicians being cast aside as evil beings that should be burned at the stake (past) or ostracized from society (present day).

Itā€™s like they lead me to watch that knowing I would take it as a message of sorts because of what was said. Like someone was speaking directly to me with everything that was said to the magician in that show. Has anyone ever had that happen to them? Something like this where it feels undoubtedly that something was speaking to you thru a statement in a book, movie, or something similar? Or am I experiencing a textbook case of what psychiatrists call a grandiose delusion?

Several years ago, long before Iā€™d even heard of E.A. or anything, I was told exactly that in a prophecy - it didnā€™t mention demons as such, but at the time that term had no meaning for me anyway since Iā€™ve never really been immersed in the J/C thing - to me, a spiritā€™s a spirit, and is judged by its actions and general demeanour.

Years later I found this site and some guys who seemed to be saying the exact same thing, more or less, so obviously I was pretty chuffed about that! :wink:

Assuming weā€™re not all completely bananas, which (to be serious for a moment) I do, because Iā€™ve known, firsthand, people with serious mental illnesses like psychosis and schizophrenia, and they canā€™t really function that well in everyday life - then this all means something is at least being picked up by people whoā€™ve never met before.

Some of us on here are maybe a bit odd, mentally, Iā€™ve had serious mental illness in the past (depression, I never lost contact with reality though) but then thatā€™s true of many populations and interest groups, and itā€™s possible that the heightened sensitivity a lot of us are born with, into an insane world, is the cause, and not some innate psychological weakness.

Is it possible, therefore, that your life - maybe your Higher Self/HGA or something - directed you to this exact moment?

Yes, I believe it is - based, again, on real experiences, ā€œcoincidencesā€ that changed my life dramatically for the better, and which took me out of old, bad situations, and into new and empowering ones.

So, I donā€™t think youā€™re crazy, and while obviously the word of a chick who thinks she had a demonic Child and who has ā€œBecome a goddessā€ on her to-do list may not count for much, Iā€™m serious, and those are my reasons. :slight_smile:

A couple of months ago I was watching a become a living God video on YouTube. After it was over, YouTube recommended several other videos. One of them was some guy trying to explain the connection between Jesus and 911 and a bunch of other stuff. For some reason, I decided to watch it. OMG, this guy was completely disjointed. He was talking a hundred miles an hour and making the most bizarre nonsensical connections between historical events. After about 5 minutes it became clear that this guy was truly, legitimately crazy. As in he needs to be on strong medication crazy.

I tried to find the video to link to it, but I didnā€™t want to spend hours digging around for it.

10 or 15 years ago there was an incident where a guy came into my place of work and started talking about how the people in Nashville were stealing the songs out of his head and making lots of money off of it without giving him any money or credit. This went on for about 5 or 10 minutes before we convinced him to leave. That is the only time Iā€™ve ever seen that kind of behavior in person and it was truly bizarre.

The bottom line is this. You have a long way to go before you need to check yourself into the local loony bin. When youā€™re working with magic, you will see things and you will be given omens and hidden messages from time to timeā€¦ Just be sure to ignore your TV and radio telling you to kill your neighbor. Lol!

Edit: I almost forgot. I have a cousin that became delusional while she was pregnant with her third child. She was convinced that people were going to kidnap her baby as soon as she was born. She would not tell anybody when the baby was due or where she was going to have it, not even close friends and family. In her defense, she was kind of nuts to begin with.

I was told the same in a song 9 years ago :D, and that kind of songs sort of guided me to occult.

ā€œAre we not the undisputed prodigy of warfare
Fearing all the mediocrity that they possess
Should we not hunt the bastards down with our might
Reinforce and claim the throne that is rightfully oursā€

Its some sort of thing to think about random word, or say it to someone and then see it in tv few seconds later.

One of the more recent omens / messages that I received was basically reassurance that things will get better. Not too long ago I ran across the phrase ā€œthis too shall pass.ā€ itā€™s a pretty good saying to remember when the chips are down. I had run into a tough spot with my life and found that phrase, and it did a lot to get me in a better frame of mind.

Maybe a week or so after I found that saying I went to pay my 90 year old grandmother a visit. She has severe dementia and it is generally difficult to hold a conversation with her. While I am sitting there visiting her she spontaneously looks at me and says " this too shall pass" and laughs. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up.

[quote=ā€œFraterRibeye, post:5, topic:5727ā€]One of the more recent omens / messages that I received was basically reassurance that things will get better. Not too long ago I ran across the phrase ā€œthis too shall pass.ā€ itā€™s a pretty good saying to remember when the chips are down. I had run into a tough spot with my life and found that phrase, and it did a lot to get me in a better frame of mind.

Maybe a week or so after I found that saying I went to pay my 90 year old grandmother a visit. She has severe dementia and it is generally difficult to hold a conversation with her. While I am sitting there visiting her she spontaneously looks at me and says " this too shall pass" and laughs. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up.[/quote]

I was just mentioning stuff about dementia to someone is skype before i read this : Dā€¦ And i have been listening to song (although ā€œmorbidā€ one) that mentions on one part ā€œeverything is gonna be all rightā€ even if its a tale of 2 serial killers heheh.

Okay, good to know you all donā€™t think Iā€™m nuts. When magicians start calling you crazy, the ones who see demons, then itā€™s time to go see a doctor for sure! LOL

Itā€™s so weird how like Lady Eva said, people that have never met in person can pick up on the same messages which only confirms to me that we are not crazy. Yeah, shared delusions are possible but the group of people involved, they have to at least be in the same room or speaking on the phone so that one person places the delusional idea into the minds of the others, and thatā€™s not the case here. Example: The movie called Prozac Nation with Christina Ricci, now thatā€™s a shared delusion!

I have been told that statement many times lately. Maybe this is something we are being told because they want us to stand up for our rights, those they think may actually try to affect some type of change. Just a thought but you never know.

Yeah. If the folks on this forum start to tell you youā€™re losing touch with reality, you are in bad shape.

This post reminds me of Bride of Chucky when he says the voodoo spell something like:

Ade Due Damballa Give me the power, I beg of you. Leveau mercier du bois chaloitte. Secoise entienne mais pois de morte. Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette. Endelieu pour du boisette damballa.

Something like that, I know very little French so my spelling could be way off. But I was watching a documentary about, how the Illuminati conspiracy theorists may be crazy but that there are definitely some movies that hide real occult things in plain sight. The incantation from Chucky being one of them because Damballa is one of the Loa spirits of Vodoun, said to be one of the most powerful a guide of intellect, power, one who can enhance the magicians magick but that most normal people would think it was just a few words of garbage piled together for movie effects and that most have not even dared to seek out its real meaning.

I forgot what they said the rest of it meant as I was unable to get a clear translation, some of the words must be spelled wrong but that he was asking the Loa spirit Damballa to possess his spirit into the child and asking for invincibility. Some of that statement may be pure nonsense, but at least the Ade due Damballa part is real. If you cannot tell, everything I watch is either occult based or an educational documentary of some sort on science, history, ancient mysteries, the occult, UFOs, paranormal things.

This is nothing new though, I have always been obsessed with these things. I donā€™t pay for cable TV, I have a Netflix account instead because Netflix is full of stuff like this including documentaries that were banned from TV because the U.S. government, the British Parliament and others do not want us finding out the truth, and these documentaries show you things that blow your mind and really get you thinking. But Netflix has their own set of rules so, when these documentaries were banned from cable networks they sought out Netflix and they agreed to add these series to the titles to watch list including the ones from Micheal Moore the guy that was trying to expose the 9/11 conspiracy (Farenheit 9/11).

But yeah, if anyone is a nerd like me and is seeking a good documentary, I can probably recommend some good ones. I have seen hundreds. Even Disney has been hiding some crazy shit in the movies your children are watching. I have also wondered why in every movie the numbers 2 and 3 appear all the time. On hotel room doors (Room #233) on police cars (Cruiser #02323) and even in Alice in Wonderland when Alice is playing the flamingo croquet game with the Queen, all of the royal guard cards walking in the background are 2 and 3 cards. Not really sure what that one is about but to make matters worse they made a movie about it with Jim Carrey called 23. But in numerology, 2 and 3 are very significant. 2 is a definite number of power, the number of knowledge seekers, achieving your goals with little to no effort, determination.

I believe it may relate to the image of one state flowing to another, of two electrodes with the vital spark between them, stuff like in Da Vinciā€™s painting.

Sorry if thatā€™s a bit random!

I did create a shared delusion one time amongst a group of friends that were interested in the occult, one had traditional religious views mixed in with her beliefs which were strange and unreal, the other was already a psychopath who had a history of psych ward admissions so I decided to test out my manipulative abilities and give it a try. It was fun, but I think I may have left one of them forever scarred. I know the following info is not true, but like I said, their views were already warped like this.

And if anyone thinks I was way too mean or cruel, first you should know, these ex-room mates would not leave me alone. They were moochers, eating up all my finances, my food, my privacy, my free time. The girl had the maturity of a hormonal 14 yr. old who broke my things when she did not get her way. She was loud and kept getting the cops sent to our house by our neighbors. They took and took from me and never gave anything in return. If I needed them to each throw in $20 for groceries for us, they always lied and said they did not have it but 2 hours later they would come home with a bag full of pills, blunts, cases of beer, etc. I was not advanced enough at that time to feel confident asking a demon for help, but I had to later on to make the girl leave.

I had the psychopath guy convinced he was Azrael who was a fallen angel of death that defied the lord and fell from heaven. The other girl was possessed by both Samael and Belial who were at a spiritual war with one another inside of her body. Belial was trying to pull her to the dark side and Samael was a betrayor who was working for Satan but secretly delivering messages to the lord behind Satanā€™s back. So Samael was acting like he was helping Belial lead her to the dark side but in reality, Samael was trying to go behind Belialā€™s back and lead her to heaven! She was convinced she had to choose one of them when I told her that Belial knew of Samaelā€™s real plan of betrayal and she should choose wisely.

If she chose Samael, she would be promised a place in heaven with god but would be killed during the great tribulation by a follower of the anti-christ who was against god. Should she choose Belial, she will reign along side the anti-christ during the 7 year tribulation as one of his queens and protectors, limitless magickal powers will be bestowed upon her and she will be able to kill people with her mind to defend the anti-christ. She will ultimately go to hell when she dies but she will die defending the anti-christ and will be given immunity from torture once in hell, and she would end up becoming a torturer of the damned souls. (If you canā€™t tell, I tried to make the dark side sound more appealing LOL).

The psychopath guy was convinced that his role was to try and kill my female friend thru the powers of his mind, making her overdose on drugs and once dead, that he would be the one to take her soul to heaven if he could kill her before Belial or Samael ever got a chance to persuade her one way or the other. That god was counting on him to take her soul away first in an attempt to redeem himself and his place in heaven.

I told him he would make her overdose on drugs thru the power of his mind, knowing good and well that she was known to do drugs on occasion very heavily and that it was just a matter of time before she overdosed on her own anyway, so I figured if the timing was right she will O.D. and Mr. psycho will think he did it with his mind. I was using their circumstances and personality traits against them to determine which move they would most likely make next. Nothing psychic about that, just common sense thru observation.

It got out of hand so I changed the story line around and just scared the hell out of my friends with some spirit inspired activity in the apartment. The guy went a little crazy and said he had to move out because he was terrified and just wanted to go home to his mom. Never heard from him again. The girl however, stayed for much longer and was almost impossible to get rid of.

But that, is a true example of a grandiose shared delusion. All the while, I was just kicking back and laughing at the whole thing. I even filmed some of it but I went searching in my desktop the other day trying to find the videos and cannot locate them anywhere. I know I hid the files very well on my hard drive but either that girl found them and deleted them without telling me or I must have encrypted those files very well. I mean after all, I didnā€™t want anyone to see them because the girl was using drugs in the videos but if I find them, I will consider creating a private youtube video for anyone who may be interested in seeing this as now I have the software that will allow me to cut out the drug use parts or hide them with a big black censor bar. I can just make it a private video and title it as a movie in the making or something.

Maybe a modern psychiatrist would (how in the hell do you make a field studying the mind wholly materialistic, anyway?). CG Jung would file it under Synchronicity.

Got involved in a discussion elsewhere today on omens, where Iā€™m spearheading the opposing view.

The popular view is that they are something that are reasoned out through symbolic associations. I contend thatā€™s the land of delusion, and that true omens are impersonal, which can make them easy to overlook.

Then thereā€™s silent knowing, where you just know something with absolute certainty. You can doubt that certainty by reasoning thereā€™s no way you could possibly know those things, but that certainty is undeniable. Itā€™s a unique unmistakable feeling.

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Saying that ā€œit was all youā€ would be just as delusional, who knows really? iā€™m sure that many entities are fond of that saying - it is a common phraseā€¦ But its a good one, maybe its common for a reasonā€¦ Its motivating, and we should embrace it for that quality.

Spirit even could talk to you about legos, if it wanted to make a joke i guessā€¦ Iā€™m sure there are spirits that do like making such jokes, but iā€™m not saying that your dream was a real event thoughā€¦ But i also donā€™t understand your point with saying that ā€œtake back what is rightfully oursā€ would be just delusional, then everything is coincidence and delusion ?

The events I spoke of earlier, was not a dream, it really did happen. Lady Eva said she had a dream with that same saying spoken to her. But, I donā€™t think taking back what is rightfully ours is a delusional thing at all, I think a psychiatrist or a doctor that works with mentally crazy people would tell me it was a delusion, that it was not some message and I was just imagining things to make myself feel important. But those doctors are not able to see messages in mundane things. They donā€™t recognize patterns when things are repeated. They may realize thatā€™s the 4th time I have heard the name (whatever) this week but they donā€™t see it as a sign they just think oh that was odd.

I was listening to a podcast with Lon Milo DuQuett the other night and he quoted someone who said: ā€œThe magician swims in waters that a psychotic drowns inā€. Kind of says it all really!

Minor point, mine was actually a pretty heavy prophecy, given to me while I was wide awake, and it also prophesied the crash of 2008 and the subsequent effects (this was a few years before AND I knew nothing at that time about the markets, so I know I couldnā€™t have guessed it myself) and there was also a lot of personal stuff in it, thatā€™s all come true. :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s why I take it so seriously, everything I got in that series of events has come about exactly as I was told it would.

[quote=ā€œRavensAscent, post:9, topic:5727ā€]This post reminds me of Bride of Chucky when he says the voodoo spell something like:

Ade Due Damballa Give me the power, I beg of you. Leveau mercier du bois chaloitte. Secoise entienne mais pois de morte. Morteisma lieu de vocuier de mieu vochette. Endelieu pour du boisette damballa.

Something like that, I know very little French so my spelling could be way off. But I was watching a documentary about, how the Illuminati conspiracy theorists may be crazy but that there are definitely some movies that hide real occult things in plain sight. The incantation from Chucky being one of them because Damballa is one of the Loa spirits of Vodoun, said to be one of the most powerful a guide of intellect, power, one who can enhance the magicians magick but that most normal people would think it was just a few words of garbage piled together for movie effects and that most have not even dared to seek out its real meaning.

I forgot what they said the rest of it meant as I was unable to get a clear translation, some of the words must be spelled wrong but that he was asking the Loa spirit Damballa to possess his spirit into the child and asking for invincibility. Some of that statement may be pure nonsense, but at least the Ade due Damballa part is real. If you cannot tell, everything I watch is either occult based or an educational documentary of some sort on science, history, ancient mysteries, the occult, UFOs, paranormal things.

This is nothing new though, I have always been obsessed with these things. I donā€™t pay for cable TV, I have a Netflix account instead because Netflix is full of stuff like this including documentaries that were banned from TV because the U.S. government, the British Parliament and others do not want us finding out the truth, and these documentaries show you things that blow your mind and really get you thinking. But Netflix has their own set of rules so, when these documentaries were banned from cable networks they sought out Netflix and they agreed to add these series to the titles to watch list including the ones from Micheal Moore the guy that was trying to expose the 9/11 conspiracy (Farenheit 9/11).

But yeah, if anyone is a nerd like me and is seeking a good documentary, I can probably recommend some good ones. I have seen hundreds. Even Disney has been hiding some crazy shit in the movies your children are watching. I have also wondered why in every movie the numbers 2 and 3 appear all the time. On hotel room doors (Room #233) on police cars (Cruiser #02323) and even in Alice in Wonderland when Alice is playing the flamingo croquet game with the Queen, all of the royal guard cards walking in the background are 2 and 3 cards. Not really sure what that one is about but to make matters worse they made a movie about it with Jim Carrey called 23. But in numerology, 2 and 3 are very significant. 2 is a definite number of power, the number of knowledge seekers, achieving your goals with little to no effort, determination.[/quote]

I know you said your spelling in French was way off,because I went to a French private school,and the only real things I could make out of that statement,from Chuckie,was Ade du Damballah(I happen to consider Damballah my favorite Loa XD),and ā€˜ā€˜pois de morteā€™ā€™ which can roughly be translated to ā€˜ā€˜pea of deathā€™ā€™,and some part of me is doubting thatā€™s what he meant.

SOrry,Iā€™ll come back to this thread when I have more productive things to say.

Well arcane, thatā€™s because I didnā€™t look the words up online or try to compare them to french words as I have found the language to language translators online to be horrible and useless so I basically just wrote down a bunch of nonsense words based on what I thought it was from memory, I had no clue of what he actually said or how it was spelled, but I have not seen that movie in probably over 10 years. I tried watching some video clips of that scene in the movie, and that didnā€™t help, still couldnā€™t really understand what was being said, it all sounded the same to me. But I never said those were Chuckyā€™s exacts words I did say ā€œor something like thatā€ LOL.

This is why I donā€™t go to Quebec very often, the only food I know how to order in french is a club sandwich with no mustard. Trust me, it gets old very fast eating a club sandwich for lunch and dinner every day.


you are definately NOT alone in this experience. It would fall into the realm of synchronicity, which I believe links receptive humans psychic antennas into the collective unconscious. Which I also believe coincides with the astral world. You should do some research into transpersonal psychology.

I am currently a psychology student and I will be looking to conduct research into the collective delusion phenomena in the futureā€¦ there is a whole realm of psychology that misses the gap between bridging the mind and body, but this is a whole other discussion.

There is brilliant quote I ought to share with you:

ā€œThe difference between the mystic and the madman, is the mystic knows who not to tellā€