Really weird energy problems, solved with magick?

For a while now, for about a year I’ve been experiencing strange energy problems. The strange thing is that I always get between 8 and 10 hours of shut eye, no less than 7 every night yet often I feel like I’m not getting enough. You know that groggy feeling you get when your limbs are aching and your head is full of fog. I even bought a Dreem band and it said that I was in the top 20% of deep sleepers so clearly it’s not an issue of deep sleep either.

That sounds like you either have a leak, are being vampirised, or have a parasite issue. Having leaks can attract low level parasites compounding the issue.

Eating and sleeping automatically regenerate your energy, but for some people, they’re someone losing more energy than the natural processes can restore. Either way, sleep isn’t enough, it’s worth investigating the cause to find the right solution.


Thanks for your advice. When you say parasite do you mean spiritual or physical?

Spiritual entity. There are some Parasite 101-type threads here. They can also, like physical parasites, “burrow in” and hide from you, or camouflage themselves, making them hard to spot and root out sometimes.
I just came through an experience with this type, having thought I was perfectly parasite free :slight_smile: That makes it fresh in my mind. It was very interesting for sure.

Do you have any advice on getting them out? I frequently work with Santa Muerte so she will could certainly help with the killing of it.

Cheers mate :+1: