Really sucking at love and things

@veneficus: I HAVE been hurt an awful lot for someone who is too plain stupid figuring out if someone is hitting on me or is just polite :smiley: And unlike what most people like to think about me: my blood hasnā€™t run completely to ice. I know what itā€™s like to be rejected, to be cheated and lied on. And it didnā€™t hurt less only because it came from someone I knew and loved for a long time. Actually, that just encouraged my refusal to let anyone in a casual way near me :smiley:

@mercurydefined: Iā€™ve met my fiance five years ago. We live together now for almost three years and you know what? We hated each others guts in the beginning. This is not a prelude for a corny romance memory but a reminder that love sometimes lurks in the most strangest places and circumstances.


Good stuff. Thatā€™s the other reason I was going to just change my earlier post. I realized you actually didnā€™t hide your heart away like I initially thought. That type of person is more who that particular post was aimed at. Youā€™re more like me, in the trenches, so to speak. Iā€™m glad to know you found someone in the end that you are about to get married to!

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@Encore19 I was born on a full moon, so my virgo sun is opp my pisces moon. All I can tell is that I like conflicting things and can never choose one over the other
And I guess my libra venus is pretty flighty with the planets it aspects, it seems all fun though until you see that it squares my black moon lilith

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I seem to go through periods of attracting no one (for years) and then periods of attracting lots of people all at once (like right now). It is very much linked to how I feel about myself - feeling good about myself right now = attracting lots of people.

I have a tendency to sabotage relationships. But until very recently, I wasnā€™t aware of exactly what I was doing. My last relationship (where I sabotaged it to the point where I ended up losing the person I believe to be ā€˜the oneā€™) taught me a lot. Iā€™ve been working on myself so that I donā€™t make the same mistakes again.


I donĀ“t bother with relationships or lovers. And I also think that sexuality overrated. In fact I despise sexuality which is why I donĀ“t work with demon lovers or any of that stuff. Hell, I even despise marriage but that is just me. I grew up in a single mother household and ever since then I haven`t wanted to have anything to do with relatinships or sex. Not only that but I also think that if I was married to somebody and they cheated on me, I would straight out murder them and that is the reason why marriage is not for me(keeping everybody safe and such). Hell, the same thing could happen if I had a girfriend which is why I avoid relationships. And there is my condensed manifesto why IĀ“m not a fan of relationships.

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You met that person here? Thatā€™s great!! Awww!!!

Been in a stable relationship for six years now. We met in high school, and when I began practicing the occult again, she picked up her old path too. Sheā€™s my rock.