Real World or Fantasy?

I’m certain that many have asked this: “Is the impossible or unrealistic certainly possible and realistic”?

I ask this for a truly sound foundation in my pursuit and ascension" … I am waiting for the new moon to cast my first “real” spell into the universe and just need to know if there are or are not any limits to what a new magick practitioner can do? Really to simply quiet the waiting time until the 15th and running it over and over in my mind and questioning myself, I would really appreciate some advice. Especially on waiting for a full moon.

It seems logical that on a waxing moon would also be a time that I could cast a spell, but not being sure is driving me fucking crazy!

I’ve said it before that I am a wordy person, but patience has never been a strong suit of mine. I’m the I want what I want when I want it" kind of guy. That’s my lingering adolescence of my make up. I can and inversely cannot wait for some things, whereas other things I can sit on somethings for forever. Perhaps that’s also in my character makeup.

I’ve even been called “Needy”! Well, that was from a Catholic priest, and I’ll say the same thing here" I’m new to this and you’re god damn right I’m needy! I long for answers to my questions. Some from a forum such as BALG and some answers will come from the mouths of babes. In this particular instance, I need to hear from fellow and more people in this realm. If that’s needy then again, You’re God Damn Right!

I devote many hours a day to study and meditation. But somethings I DO have anxiety surrounding me and my thoughts. So, the second part of my question is " Is this a normal reaction to casting a first-time spell?. I have protection and the correct sigils so that isn’t an issue, but I AM anxious to cast the spell, and anxiety is makes me question everything.

If I am needy, then you’re god damn right! I dont wanna fuck myself!

Additionally, I wonder if I’m doing it the right way. I’ve heard it said that the only wrong way to do it is NOT to do it. I feel that is dangerous and naive. Let me be frank about this, it IS a money spell. As I said I have the right protection spell, or is there one specific to this type of spell? Anything to allay my anxiety and self-doubt would be helpful.

That answer depends on the magician.

Some would say that anything is possible with magick, while others would say a lot of things are possible but not everything. I’m of the latter.

Good. I keep this in the front of my mind, afterall, how much is enough right? Thanks

I personally believe anything is possible in magic, it’s just if you have the right amount of power and energy to manifest the result.
As far as being"needy" I don’t see a problem with a thirst for knowledge and peace of mind.
Using the full moon is nice for magic and for a first time spell is a good idea.
You asked about doing the spell properly and well that depends on the system you are working with. You are right to be cautious as magic itself is dangerous not only to others but the practitioner. However worrying too much will interfere with the spell and this is usually where people run into problems with backfiring spells. With any kind of magic it’s important to remember intent. The best mages don’t use tools or ritual items they can muster energy and direct it with intent to do what they want.
So for starters quiet your mind and your doubts before proceeding. Make sure of what you want and build an image of it in your mind adding piece by piece until you are satisfied. This is a good way to build your intent until you cast the spell. Once you are casting focus on your image and draw as much energy into your third eye as you can hold. At this point speak your incantation and fire the energy from your third eye into the words bringing them to life.
Of course you will want to bend those basic techniques to suit whichever system you are using. All in all I think you will be alright.

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Thank You! That is a definite confidence builder for me. I “pre-cast” the spell today to make sure it is an easy flow through the entire spell, and it caused me to reflect on certain points. That would include imagery of my mind’s eye being focused and getting rid of extraneous bullshit and to ensure that I am casting the right spell for the right thing (and reasons).


You can go so far as “pre-casting” for days or weeks. It’s what I do when starting on big work. Good luck!

I got you bro:

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That is super re-affirming! Those comments are just what I needed!

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I can personally attest to @Lady_Eva whiteboard method. I have bad anxiety, so oftentimes I have to do it before meditation so I can focus. Sometimes I have to wipe the same thing off multiple times but eventually I get there. It has been the easiest method for me.

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I can go get one today.

What do you think of “super-charging” myself to transmit that energy to my spell and empower the spirits to make real what I desire?