Readings v2[closed]

I’m incredibly excited for this one! I’m down.

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This might be unpleasant to hear but for you my friend there is a person that you need to let go of.
There is a person in your life that you care for deeply however the relationship is now leaving you dissatisfied with the desire to escape. This is leaving you to juggle to many things, poor time management, mismanagement of resources and feelings of obsession. It is time to let this person go from your life for your own sanity.
Runes - the happiness that you are currently receiving is chaotic. You understand that this happiness can disappear at any moment. This person is fickle and manipulative. They have a negative impact on your financial stability. I sense that you feel that psychically that you are stable and are making some progress but it’s far from the truth. It seems that you are regressing. Your gifts are becoming more chaotic and harder to control. This person is pushing you farther away from your gifts. Hope this is helpful to you.

Dark Blessings,

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It’s time to let some things go. You are asked to let go of your negative thinking and old beliefs. Time for some introspection. It is time to go through perhaps another dark night of the soul. It is time to love the darkness. Ahriman and his Divs are calling you.
Runes - at the moment there is some stagnation in the occult realm. It seems that you have grown bored and complacent. Your home life is comfortable but it’s not creating any movement at the moment. You are not doing what needs to be done. You need to do some healing work to progress with your gifts because right now you are getting further and further away from your next breakthrough.

Dark Blessings,

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I’d like one too, your readings from last time really helped me.

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It surely is not pleasant at first sight, but I’m going to meditate deeply on this. I’m not going to ignore this any longer, I’m going to take action!
Thank you so much! :grin:

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Aww fuck :confounded:. That was painfully true thank you :confounded:. I like my cozy life but you’re right it’s time to get back to hard work and growth.

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There are things you are advised to let go off and to also work on your heart chakra. You are asked to stop being a people pleaser and being overly generous.
Runes - it seems that you have grown bored with work on your psychic abilities. It seems that you are being kept in check for the moment from any self destructive tendencies but you are making very little to move progress in you foundation. Keep working on your basics to create a stable foundation on which your abilities can swiftly grow. Dont give up!

Dark Blessings,

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It seems that things that are neccessary never come easy. However, they do allow us to grow. We are lucky to have this privilege. Peace always comes after the storm so we can give up.

Dark Blessings,

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True! But I will not stop, I know what to do.
Thanks again!

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Thank you so much! I’ve definitely been a bit lazy in those areas :sweat_smile:

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Its seems that you are looking for a home or a property that will make you happy. However, you are being restricted from any such purchases. This is being given to you as a warning.

Dark Blessings,

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I’d like one if it’s not too much trouble. Thank you :grinning:

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Aaand I’d like to hop in too :smiley: would be very appreciated!

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I really need one. Thanks.

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Anyway I could ask for some advice on this?

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You really are awesome…I’ll like one reading… particularly what I need to work on and if possible the entities I need to work with :pleading_face:

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I would like one as well if this is is still open

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Hi, this sounds great, I’d like to know what I need to work on, hence I’ve been confused on what to work on lately.
Thank you in advance.

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Things to let go of: self sabotage. You seem to have some self sabotage beliefs that have stemmed form your childhood. You are asked to work on your inner child as well as your heart and 3rd eye chakras. I feel that perhaps you should consider some hypnosis or regression therapy.
Runes - this message is supposed to be a revelation to you. Something to look into on a deeper level. Your hard work on your foundations is creating movement towards your breakthrough. However be sure not to over do it because otherwise you will just be burnt out. The though of breaking through is keeping you hyped up and pushing through but your not going to progress as far or fast as you’d like. Dont try to force things. Your occult abilities will progress smoother and faster when you clear the road for them to do so. Chakra work, energy and emotional healing are part of this journey too. Dont neglect it.

Dark Blessings,

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Sure! The cards were saying about being complacent and having a victim mentality. The healing that you are asked to do is for the underlying emotions and traumas that have created this mentality in the first place. Hope this helps!

Dark Blessings,

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