Reading please

Would anyone be available to give me a reading please? It would be GREATLY appreciated!!

What’s do you need?

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I am looking for a reading to give me some insight regarding where I am in my life, and if I’m in the right place regarding being my best self? If i’m missing any lessons, etc…

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I’ll give you a list of what I can do

• I can find a lost thing
• I can help you choose between two things
• I can give a straight answer
• I can tell you when X is going to happen
• I can answer yes/no
• I can tell you if you’re cursed and who did it(still new to this one)
• I can give advise

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I’m open to all these:
• I can give a straight answer
• I can tell you when X is going to happen
• I can answer yes/no
• I can tell you if you’re cursed and who did it(still new to this one)
• I can give advise
Am I asking for too much?

Why yes, yes you are. I’ll do two lmao

I’m currently in school. Clean 10 months. Hoping that the things i’m looking to manifest will be. Can I add one more question for a straight answer? When will i be in a loving relationship?

For the love one it’s probably better to do a time reading. And what was the first one?

For when you will find love I pulled a king of hearts. A great sign! Give it a little under a month. In that time keep practicing magic.

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I guess what do I need to do to be my best self? I’m trying to be better, and am anxious that I’m missing lessons and repeating mistakes. So I guess a straight up answer in this regard. And regarding love, so you mean a time frame? Like-a year?

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oh wow!

Oh and I forgot to tell you I got a 6 of diamonds in the last reading. This means keep communicating, it’s possible it will be over phone at first.

That’s funny because I’ve been locked in (like many) but am talking to someone on the phone…

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So to be your best self you need to work on changing and learning on how to take control of your own life. The star of the reading is for you to love yourself fiest before jumping into a relationship. Doing so will open the opportunitys to get what you want.

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Makes sense. I guess I need to just keep doing the work. Again I appreciate this!

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May I PM you with questions?

No sorry. I have other things to tend to right now. Tomarrow morning I’ll open a free reading. Catch me there even if it’s closed for the reading. Make sure you @ me so I know it’s you

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Go under the scan thread , tons of people there can do that