Reading Lovecraft

Thank you for sharing your time.
Here is my question. I have Lovecrafts works on my kindle. So Ive been reading through it before I go to sleep. This seems to have jumpstarted the part of my brain that induces dreams.
The dreams generally are not scary maybe one out of many was. But some seem to have clear messages and others seem prophetic.
Do you think reading anything would do this or is it connected somehow to what Im reading.
Like would I get the same results from reading freakin Twilight as Lovecraft?
~ arianna~


I think Lovecraft’s Work is by nature, magical and is conducive to dream work. There’s no doubt in my mind that Lovecraft, while identifying himself as an “atheist,” seemed to tap into something very, very real. As for Twilight… who knows? Try it!


[quote=“arianna, post:1, topic:9472”] Thank you for sharing your time.
Here is my question. I have Lovecrafts works on my kindle. So Ive been reading through it before I go to sleep. This seems to have jumpstarted the part of my brain that induces dreams.
The dreams generally are not scary maybe one out of many was. But some seem to have clear messages and others seem prophetic.
Do you think reading anything would do this or is it connected somehow to what Im reading.
Like would I get the same results from reading freakin Twilight as Lovecraft?
~ arianna~[/quote]

Hello, As I have written in “The Black Book of Azathoth”, Lovecraft was connected to these beings, they are real entities. So when reading his works, you see and feel that dark truth echo through you. No, you wouldn’t get the same effect as when reading “Twilight” as the characters there, are not real. Lovecraft’s works act as a sort of portal into the ‘In-between’. And once his works are read, those who can hear ‘the call’, are forever drawn into the darkness…


[quote=“S Ben Qayin, post:3, topic:9472”][quote=“arianna, post:1, topic:9472”] Thank you for sharing your time.
Here is my question. I have Lovecrafts works on my kindle. So Ive been reading through it before I go to sleep. This seems to have jumpstarted the part of my brain that induces dreams.
The dreams generally are not scary maybe one out of many was. But some seem to have clear messages and others seem prophetic.
Do you think reading anything would do this or is it connected somehow to what Im reading.
Like would I get the same results from reading freakin Twilight as Lovecraft?
~ arianna~[/quote]

Hello, As I have written in “The Black Book of Azathoth”, Lovecraft was connected to these beings, they are real entities. So when reading his works, you see and feel that dark truth echo through you. No, you wouldn’t get the same effect as when reading “Twilight” as the characters there, are not real. Lovecraft’s works act as a sort of portal into the ‘In-between’. And once his works are read, those who can hear ‘the call’, are forever drawn into the darkness…[/quote]
Awesome! Thank you for replying!! :slight_smile:


Out of curiosity, what about other book series, such as Lord.of the rings? Or is the Lovecraft works the only example of real entities?

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Hmm…there are elves, and little people (hobbits), humans, and wizards, plus dragons.
Im not sure how Tolkien based his stories but definitey the beings exist.
Are we not magicians?
Have we not encountered dragons, trolls, dwarfs and such?
Not sure if reading Lord of the Rings would give you dreams with messages and prophecies but there is a world of magic in those books, disguised as fiction but truth pouring from the pages. :wink:


Is Lovecraftian magic or current as “crazy” as it is rumoured? Or stronger than “crazy”? :slight_smile:


Probably stronger than crazy


:alien: crazy is putting it mildly :rofl:

Though to clarify the current is NOT about the end of all things :laughing: if you want more glimpse into the practical nature of the old ones looking “through the gates of the silver key” from love crafts work.

Tysons work has some good insights in it as well.


If when you read you enage your curiosity as your interest peaks, you’ll be in a highly receptive and intuitive state about to experience phenomina. Keep in mind Lovecraft probably understood elemental magick. HPL stories are more doses of a drugs than mere fun reading. His stories were specifically designed to awaken the strange and mysterious powers of your darker imagination. Personally I like his audio books on youtube.


I have been slowly reading his works. Finally i was dreaming, my enemy shows up and like a compilation of all his stories hell awakens… words cannot describe the horrid creature. Lovecraft made love to my nightmares that night. Ah H.P. a devious smile in hopes that this is a sign of what my enemy has in store for himself.


At the HP Lovecraft Memorial in Providence, RI. Obviously these people aren’t happy about the return of the Great Old Ones.:grinning: