Reaching my goal

An update:
I kind of feel his sadness and isolation growing. Problem is that i can’t find myself in all of this, he misses her and not me. On the other hand I feel like i’m getting closer, hard to explain.

About new years eve there was a missunderstanding, nothing happened but it doesn’t mean he didn’t want to do anything.

A spell using nefesh was done today, we’ll see when my man will reach out to me. Back to no contact rule

And btw I can’t seem to feel Beleth anymore, that is another concern.

I don’t idealize him for sure, he may be fucked up but he is mine and will be - even if only because I need to end things up my way :joy:

Well, you have to idealize the person to want them. You just said he is “yours” like he is a prize, and he seems like a shitty ass person. I don’t know you but you deserve better.

But if you “really” want him … you should fuck him. Have a one night stand with him and use his sperm In your love spell :joy:

But if you “really” want him … you should fuck him. Have a one night stand with him and use his sperm In your love spell :joy:
lol :joy: good idea!

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@Vvcali My mind is so fucken twisted. I would fuck him. Have him cum in me. Put a tampon on right away. Use that tampon with my cum and his cum In a love spell using Lucifer. Why Lucifer? I just love him and he comes through for me all the time.


@NNP ay yaiiii yaiiiii :wink::fire::fire: :fire: :fire:

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If she has not been with him for 5 months. You know that mofo is getting pussy elsewhere. That’s why he might be “confused”. Hmmm I would also get rid of the competition. Get the bitch out of the way. Ta ta!!! Lmao :joy: :raised_hands:t2:

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@NNP Honey i got rid of the bitch with Amons help :smiley: no explanation, nothing, she kicked him out of her life and days later anounced her wedding date :joy:

Side note: when he came back for a couple of days i fucked him and kept his “stuff” just in case ;p soooo… What to do with it? I am also on my period now, menstrual blood is powerfull (do i’ve heard)
Ideas, Ladies?

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I was just talking to @Vvcali about voodoo dolls. That’s on my mind so make a voodoo doll of your lover using your menstrual period and his semen to bind him. :wink:


What should i do later with the doll after it’s created? Hide? Bury?


I usually place the vodoo doll in a box and bury it.

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After you’re words about love spell with Lucifer i can’t get it off my mind :wink: i’m searching the forum for more details about it, but i can’t seem to find anything specific. Petition sounds not good enough…
I’m thinking about making a doll but there should be something more to that. What is the spell you’re talking about?



I have a certain technique that I always use in different forms. I have never made voodoo doll for binding love spell. But if I tweak my technique I’m sure it will work.

Cleanse yourself and hands with Florida water first. Get play dough. Form a voodoo doll of your lover. Visualize him as you are forming the doll. Stuff the voodoll with your menstrual blood and the semen. With the assistance of Lucifer meditate and visualize the voodoo doll as your lover. Make sure you have a red candle lit while facing the cardinal direction east as you chant Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa icar Lucifer. You are visualizing and forming a connection Btwn your lover and the voodoo doll. Put your energy into it as you begin commanding the voodoo doll. Make sure you have a printed picture of the person and draw Lucifer’s sygil on his pic. In the back of the pic write what You are commanding him to do with the assistance of Lucifer. I would then tie the pic with a red string to the play dough voodoo doll. Put it in a box and bury it. Stomp where you have him buried and command him. Thank Lucifer for assisting you.

Cleanse yourself again with sage or Florida water.

Every now and then … go to the spot where you have him buried and stomp on it and command him. You are going to feel the vibration of your magick when you stomp. The energy can get intense.


While You were wrighting i was about to say i have an idea and it is exactly what you’ve said minus the cleansing and stomping part

Haha weird but it means it will work :joy:

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Do it on a full moon. I like to pay attention to the moon phases when I do a spell. Just to give it a little more of an “oomph”. Make sure you bathe, wear clean clothes, and cleanse yourself before you begin.

Will do, Next full moon is this friday - perfect

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Yesterday I couldn’t sleep. I’ve sat on the couch, lit a candle and got nostalgic. I grabbed a paper, pen and drew Beleth sigil, since I did have a relationship with her. I didn’t have a goal or anything, just kept looking at it. All od the sudden it disappeared, i thought maybe i’m tired, as i didn’t feel nothing unusual, looked again and the same thing - paper went totally white, so I freaked out a little, i have seen it flashing before or go 3d but never disappear right in front of my eyes.
Next thing i did was to sit up straight, this time gazed into it - while the paper went blank again the candle flame kept flicking and jumping up and down like crazy, one cadle made the whole room bright like the lights would go on and off. I picked up a pen, wrote a petition, thanked her for this experience and layed down looking at the flame calming down, counting days, on January 15th flame went up again for a second, i was too tired to think what does that day mean.

Today I woke up depressed, tired and anxious. I’m not sure what is going on.

You need to mentally prepare yourself for Friday. You cannot be a hot mess. Being anxious, depressed, and nostalgic is not going to work. You need to be focused and determined. You need to meditate and balance. You need to have the mentality that he is already yours. That he is already coming back. He is your fucken bitch and he would do what you say. It is your destiny to be with him and that’s how it is going to be. You decide how things are going to be. I always tell people you need to go hard And be determined. Work with Sallos The next few days for some self-love.



On monday i was doing a research on Lucifer, drew his sigil, below wrote his enn to prepare myself for friday. It was not my intention to call him or whatever, but i felt like i should ask for something, something small. On the same piece of paper i wrote that my man will call me within the next 48h. And that’s it, i didn’t feel anything, folded the paper and put it in a box where i keep all my petitions.

Today, 49h later, on my way homw i was like - oh well, i didn’t try anyway. i get home and there’s a letter for him. I wasn’t sure what to do, picked up the phone, dialed his number - he didn’t pick up. I texted “there’s a letter for You in my mail”.

6 minutes later he called - “sorry i didn’t have my phone with me, what’s up?” He told me to open IT and read it to him, asked to send it to his house if it’s not a problem, i quickly said not at all and finished the conversation.

Haha HA! Thank You Lucifer! That was tricky but eventualy the thing i asked for :smiley:

@Lillypad88 Good. I told you King Lucifer always comes through. Now keep focus on your goals. And, continue working with King Lucifer. You will see things come into manifestation.