it also works on higher demons and angels ?
Yes, it is meant to work against anything that is harassing you.
ok I try this ,thank you DarkestKnight and Raziel
I just wanted to share, I often draw this sigil to protect things, (like inside my tarot box, above my door frame where it can’t be seen etc.)
But once in while, when you know someone’s being too nosy, it seems appropriate to draw something in their hand print to scare them and to let them know you saw it- just in case they come back.
But mostly a handprint can be used in sympathetic magic, so woe to one whose prints are on my windows…! (out of the box applications work with dk’s magic tooooo)
I want to have some fun by drawing this sigil on my phone wallpaper.
All done! Let me know what you think.
I wouldn’t touch that phone
Man, I’m just using this all over. The rains already washed it away to the visible eye, but I surprisingly still feel it when I walk outback.
I drew it at both ends of the sidewalk originally, with magic chalk.
Thank you!
Did you do what I think you did? (ordered a custom mug with the sigil on it)
no😄.its birthday gift from my wife.she use the sigil too sometimes.
Getting this as a tattoo would be cool. When using the sigil can you speak into it what you want protection from or do you just let it do its job?
You just charge it and let it do its job.
You can’t see them now, I painted another layer of black on top, to basically hide the sigil in plain sight.
The bowl is for scrying (it’s shiny on the inside) and the plate is for drawing sigils and the like on during rituals.
I didn’t have to hide them, since my household knows pretty intimately now how I operate, but it felt right when I was doing it, so I did!
I painted my surfaces with two coats, then I used a paint marker for the sigil, then just painted a layer overtop the the sigils once they were dry.
What’s weird is i would doodle symbols similar to this sigil (just without the arrow bit) all the time and i unintentionally draw it on my phone screen even tho i never knew what it meant🫢
You know…
It looks enough like the hiragana => [ma] ま…that you could hide it in plain site as some kind of Japanese writing (WEEB shit )…
Kitchen? Make a cute design that says itadakimasu and hide the symbol as the ma with a random added detail.
Any word that ends in masu, ます
With a little bit of work you can through the symbol into a word or phrase that directly encodes it’s purpose and function as a talisman.
(Itadakimasu is said before a meal. You can write it out for Raziel like you’re saying, “dinners ready! Come git it! Sic’em!” On a target or something lol)
I forgot to mention that I drew this on my aura’s ward.
I contacted Raziel through his paths of power and spent time there for a particular reason, later on in my day I was led to give this a try , so i made it out and charged it with the instructions giving . I did feel a heaviness being lifted during the method . Like a good energy surge.
Many thanks, I am going to use it!