
Happy New Witchy Year lovely Witches! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Happy Samhain!!! :heart_eyes:

Happy Halloween!!! :snake:


Happy Saturnalia guys! Happy winter Solstice! hail Satan, hail Lilith! :fire:



Hello there Rav. I saw an old post of yours. N. Of course, the Godess of Fire, Sonnillion :heart: can be called together with Haures :heart: and Glasya-Labolas :heart: (at day time) Will harm your enemy permanently :fire: mine was hospitalised the same day.

Hail Sonnillion :heart:
Hail Haures Flereous :heart:
Hail Glasya-Labolas :heart:

:fire: :snake: I wanted to know was the target of this ritual set on fire? Because I used Haures and Glasya labolas and they set my target on fire


That happened some couple of years ago. It was a grill accident and the person was ill a long time :fire: :fire: :fire: totally awesome :zap:

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What happened with my target was, he had book of matches in his pocket that some how ignited burning his thigh and sending him to the hospital.

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Happy Walpurgis Night!!!:first_quarter_moon_with_face::full_moon_with_face::last_quarter_moon_with_face:

Happy Beltane!!!:sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:


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Happy Litha guys!!!

:fire: :fire: :fire: :sun_with_face: :fire: :fire: :fire:


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:fire: :fire: :fire:

Happy Samhain!!!

Zazas zazas nasatanada zazas!

:zap: :snake: :zap:

Happy Equinox!!!

:zap: :snake: :zap:

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