
Looking for mentioned in Hollywood Rainman? This name where used in many interwievs with stars and celebs also in Text of the songs.



For those who want to work with Rain Man:

From Satania:
Rainman · Enn Meditation Chant

Magick audio of Rainman´s enn, 108 repetitions.
Rainman sigil.
Enn: Ayer-Draus-It-Rain-man-Larz.

Some people think that Rainman is an egregore, and some think that he is the artistic aspect (music specialist) of Shaytan (Satan).

A powerful spirit worshiped by some secret orders, and in the music industry, a hidden entity, which falls from above, helps the practitioner to gain charisma, learn the numerology of the words, interpretative skills, gain great inspiration (sometimes as unstoppable schizoophrenic voices) and provokes an intense and massive increase of emotions.

He interacts with the four superior chakras, and he can be felt as a clash of aggressive angelic energy, which opens the crown and heart chakras in a shocking way at the beginning, to give way to a feeling of infinite love (intoxicating the chakras and the blood system as a drug) and then may activate the brain in a Hyper-Savant state. (not recommended for weak minds) (the practitioner will not be able to sleep or meditate easily) his brain will not stop chattering. (Monkey Brain out of control)

It is associated with brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine.(Specially insane doses of dopamine, it causes insomnia too)

Discover these amazing numbers and The Mumble.

The practitioner has to sing his enn by pressing and contracting the navel (Solar Plexus Chakra) with each word, to raise the shakti energy up, and cutting his breath at the end of each word.

The symbols of Rainman are: umbrella, rain, rain of money, luxury, diamonds, inverted pentagram (5), the eye that cries.

Rainman’s colors are: Black and White (Crown Chakra Duality) & Transparent (Water and air = Feelings and mind)
*The classic black and white stripes prisoner uniform (interdimensional meaning: between two worlds)
The representative animals of Rainman are: frog, goat, rabbit.

Please calm yourself, find a relaxing space, you could light a candle and some incense, focus on getting in tune with the spirit energies, a meditative state closer to the entity.

Please use headphones.


Has anyone tried this spirit out yet?

Im very tempted to try working with him, but I value sleep very highly.