Quick questions about King Paimon

The King strikes me as someone who’s very understanding about things like light health issues- but if you feel like it’s going to cause a problem/be interpreted as disrespect, it may be better to wait a little while until the symptoms clear up.

It’s normal to feel intimidated! I assure you though, as long as you show Him proper respect, show that you value His time, and get to your point quickly, you’ll be fine. He seems like a lovely, understanding person.

If you do accidentally disrespect Him? Offer a genuine, heartfelt apology. Explain yourself if you feel you need to, just make sure the apology is a real one. In my experience, He’s pretty forgiving. He’ll understand if you make a mistake or say the wrong thing, so long as you own up to it!

There’s a reason so many people here adore Him. Good luck! :heart:


The sigil is beautiful!


Is the hand the part of the body King Paimon rules? I’ve been searching trying to find out but haven’t found yet.


Your altar is beautiful! I love that mirror tray with the gold edging–very elegant!


Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it. Looks really good :smile:

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Oh yeah. :confused: definitely dont want that. I’ll make sure I’m as best as can be when I do.

That’s really good to know. I think it has something to do with being a Gemini (kind of a Taurus-Gemini as I was born very close to the border) but I tend to say things that are taken offensively by everyone when I truly dont mean for it to be. So I hope I dont slip my tongue. It does ease me that he is forgiving. I rarely interact with anyone who is. But all of this is really helpful. Thank you all. I really hope to do well with him when I do.


I’m a cusp baby too—Cancer/Leo

That is reeeaaallly beautiful.


Tengo un dato Constantino corrió 6:30grados los signos solares por hay 6 días atraso los signos.

“Aside from Enki, he has visited the most of his own accord without evocation”

Wow, so you mean once you’ve made contact, he can comeback and visit you on his own without evocation?


looks great!