
hello, i have the following questions :

  1. i know that divination tools are used to predict the future but can they be used to know a present situation ? and that’s either by a yes/no question for example can i ask the i ching : am i cursed ? or by a question to get a full answer like this question : what’s wrong with me ?
  2. how many divinations can i do per day in general (with different tools) or with each divination tool separately for example for the i ching ?
  3. can i use different tools for the same question ?
  4. are online tools reliable for example this site : [url=][/url] for i ching ?
  5. let us say that during a reading you did a mistake or forgot a detail, can a second reading be as much as correct as the first one ?
    thank you.

Yes they can - Book Of Fate, I Ching, Tarot, etc can be used that way.

2. how many divinations can i do per day in general (with different tools) or with each divination tool separately for example for the i ching ?

Why do you want to do lots?

You won’t get a different answer, so the best way is to plan a main question then ask for in-depth answers about bits of it.

3. can i use different tools for the same question ?


But again, why?

4. are online tools reliable for example this site : [url=][/url] for i ching ?

I don’t know that one, but (a paid-for service, but affordable) are my go-to source for lots of readings.

So yes, they can be, but some are uncleansed and turn out really dark-assed answers. is the only one I trust personally. I’m in NO way connected to them or anything btw.

5. let us say that during a reading you did a mistake or forgot a detail, can a second reading be as much as correct as the first one ?

HOW MUCH does the reading matter?

Was the questions a mistake, or was it a minor detail in the execution of it?

I get doing a typo, “Does Bsrd Ptti love me and want to go crazy for my luscious breats” for example :stuck_out_tongue: but really?

How many “mistakes” do you want to make?

Those “mistakes” are telling you something.

Heed that message, before trying to drill down into the “terms and conditions” with some poor divination method. :wink:

[quote=“angel, post:1, topic:6337”]hello, i have the following questions :

  1. i know that divination tools are used to predict the future but can they be used to know a present situation ? and that’s either by a yes/no question for example can i ask the i ching : am i cursed ? or by a question to get a full answer like this question : what’s wrong with me ?[/quote]

Yes, past, present, and future knowledge is available through divination.

You can ask as many questions to the oracular spirits of the I Ching, Tarot, and Book of Fate as you want. And you can ask the same question to more than one of them, as they will give you different aspects of the answer, but you shouldn’t ask the same question to the same divination tool.

Yes, I do this sometimes, it helps to fill out the answer in greater detail as some of the methods of divination focus on things others don’t.

Since I Ching is my preferred divination tool I feel adequately informed to answer this. Yes, that particular site is fine, though I would say that you should still cast your coins in real life on your end instead of letting the computer do it. But, that website has a way for you to manually input your at home coin casts. The information is a 6/10. When you have the funds available you should order this version. It is the best that I’ve found and the one that I use.

[quote=“angel, post:1, topic:6337”]5. let us say that during a reading you did a mistake or forgot a detail, can a second reading be as much as correct as the first one ?
thank you.[/quote]

I always suggest against doing second readings. The oracular spirits of the divination tools we use are conscious, alive, and intelligent. They will be able to understand your question and answer properly even if you make a small mistake.

[quote=“angel, post:1, topic:6337”]hello, i have the following questions :

  1. i know that divination tools are used to predict the future but can they be used to know a present situation ? and that’s either by a yes/no question for example can i ask the i ching : am i cursed ? or by a question to get a full answer like this question : what’s wrong with me ?[/quote]

I generally use the Tarot so I’m using my information from that. Most spreads have places for that specific question- combined with not so much an answer as possible outcomes. It’s your choice, always, to decide what you will do. That’s just a law. Framing your question in regards to your divinatory method is the trick. However, spending time understanding the meaning and interpretation of the cards, yourself, the question and the spreads are needed to get a more accurate method. Time and practice, you’ll know it.

2. how many divinations can i do per day in general (with different tools) or with each divination tool separately for example for the i ching ?

As many as you need or want. There isn’t a limit, unless you get tired. I only recommend not combining multiple ones together unless you have a thorough understanding of each. You’re just going to get confused.

3. can i use different tools for the same question ?

Yes but only to give you a better understanding of the possible outcome or answer.

4. are online tools reliable for example this site : [url=][/url] for i ching ?

Be careful for certain sites and their algorithms. has this problem where if you hit the back button and pick another spread with the same question- you get the same cards. Doesn’t help you’re vibe much.

5. let us say that during a reading you did a mistake or forgot a detail, can a second reading be as much as correct as the first one ? thank you.

No issue. Just do it over again. No mystical secret, no evil cabal wanting your booty hole first. Just do it again.

I’ll comment on a couple of these.

As many as you want. I have found the fewer the better for myself. I do them maybe once a week. I find if I do more than that they kind of blur together and I feel like I’m not trusting myself.

In other words I do one reading on a situation and then let it play out. If I just do reading after reading about the same subject, I feel like I’m just not trusting the process.

5. let us say that during a reading you did a mistake or forgot a detail, can a second reading be as much as correct as the first one ? thank you.

I do a reading and then follow up if I cannot understand how it relates to the situation.

Another method is to just sit with the cognitive dissonance and wait for th eflash of sinsight that will connect it up for you. For me I err on the side of clarifying with further divinations until I can connect the reading to the situation, since that is the whole point of doing them.