Questions that don't fit a specific thread

Just a subcultural phenomenon, IMO.

I thought that, on one hand, science didn’t explain (seems to me) mind and conscience. I.e., they may live on. But on the other hand, if I destroy a computer, its data remains in the hardware; no soul flies away… once again, at least I believe so :thinking:
Paradoxically all the possibilities may coincide outside of their literal meanings. An esotericist identified the reincarnation with nothingness, writing, more or less: “The ancients agreed on the common man’s fate after death: existence as a shadow or the always different and yet always equal births, it’s basically the same thing”. Some Christians affirms that there isn’t hell but end of existence, and (like I said) for absurd, heaven itself may be the eternal rest of an unconscious soul merged with Divine.
Attempting to transform the soul into a god or demonic king etc. would help (if there are doubts for humans, a bit less for Spirits). In the same way, yoga or initiation are said to be ways of moving towards eternity.

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I like your post. It’s very insightful.

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I have a new thread. Does anyone on this forum work with the Goddess Cybele?

Who is Goddess Cybele?

The Romans called her Magna Mater. The mother of all the Gods. Her worship can be traced back via archaeological artifacts thousands of years to Catal Hoyuk 6000 BCE. Originally she was a Phrygain Goddess from Anatolia, modern day turkey. Back when Roman was fighting Carthage in the Punic wars (about 200 BCE) and the Romans were losing and afraid of being conquered. The Senate of Rome consulted the Sybiline Books which were even more ancient prophesies of both Rome and the Etruscans. These books could only be consulted by an order of the Senate in times of dire emergency. The Sybiline Books had a prophesy to the effect that if Rome dedicated itself to the worship of Magna Mater and brought the sacred stone of the Mother (a meteorite ) from the it’s original temple in Anatolia Rome would be victorious. At the same time the Roman Senate sent a delegation to the Oracle at Delphi and received the same answer. So Rome sent a delegation to the Phrygain King and negotiated for the Stone to be brought to Rome. And that’s what they did and built a huge Temple complex to her on Palatine Hill called the Maetreum of Cybele Magna Mater. Now as Deities go the Goddess Cybele is not jealous of other Deities being worshiped. Sort of like Durga doesn’t get angry if one worships other Deities in Hinduism. Her Priestesses were women, both transgendered women and women born women. the trans women priestesses were called Gallae and the women by birth priestesses were called Mellissa. There is also much much more to the history of Her worship.

There is a ton of good articles about Her at the website of the Maetreum of Cybele. I hope that’s helpful.

Oh, and yes the Gallae Priestesses did castrate themselves in an ecstatic fury. Which is something I would not recommend seems a little too extreme for me.


Thousands of different ideas are around; for me there is no a very good or satisfactory answer yet maybe they want us to stay curious and dig deeper indeed; maybe it has no importance or maybe it is really beyond our comprehension and much more complex than even a simple yes or no.
Generally concerning near death experiences and especially long ones (20- 25 minutes w/o air – something similar ) -something logic science denies- we may say, there is generally an out of body experience, where in some cases patients remember what doctors said even after they are labeled as EX and the “light”; yes that famous light like the one at the end of the tunnel.
Such common experiences are interesting indeed but generally ends at that light and yes there are every sort of examples suitable to every religion or belief maybe; (when religion is there you may have fabricated ones easily - but if we look data general that “light” ends it. And the ones confirmed by science as a miracle becomes respectful to all belief and less and less religious.
Religions have many explanations for after life, generally lies and nonsense coated with old logic, but as the religions mostly fading day by day, (hopefully) with the Enlightenment. Indeed many of the religions are based on magicians even; but that always denied by the exploiters, yes they had a good start at first, like a revolution for equality and freedom but that spark ended very soon and transformed always to a mean of exploitation/control of the people, and really nothing more. Many people who protects religion protect their own profit or for some their own profit is protected by the help of it; if you look closely. Indeed the problem , whether human race would learn to be good or not but anyway religion was not good enough in its long term span, except its start.
Sometimes I think that “simulation idea”, maybe we have avatars like in a game. Maybe you and someone in Africa are even the same. Maybe different situations or scenarios are tested and someone or some people want to see our deeds not religion at all but our absolute good or sometimes our absolute evil asked or just our path and our way to decisions.
Or maybe we bought some “Earth” tickets for fun. Maybe we are just actors and watched for fun by the universe.
Yes like masonry once the architecture; God now became a system software engineer; and all the other Gods have some tasks within that product, maybe God is already dead and the system is managed by some different guys who wants to dominate it, exploit it; and maybe and in that way magick is the way to cheat / hack and the way to the real answer  Anyway as said I sometimes think so; not always
What do you think about our existence in the world.; its logic ? its cause ?
We may check out anytime but would we really leave  ?
Why are we here ? Do we really become better self or we just experience different scenarios and the outcome is somehow computed. I like to hear and thanks for your time.


You have a lot of good ideas The meaning of life What;s it all about? Why are we here? I don’t have any answers.
If I personally have any “scripture” It’s Poetry all kinds of poetry from ancient to modern. Yes, I actually like reading poetry more that fiction and the best poetry is accessible not stuffy. Also Socrates. what we have of him through Plato’s writing. I also like Walden and Other Writings by Henry David Thoreau.
I have found for myself that to live Honestly, Steadfastness to family and with goodwill toward my all gives me a a sense of satisfaction. Of course, I firmly believe is self defense if I run across anyone that intends ill toward me or my family.
I don’t have any answers. I have sometimes wonder if I didn’t buy a ticket for an Earth ride.

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How can someone summon Goddess Cybele to work with her? Tell me the method please.
Also, what can she help with? What is her speciality?

Oh no, I just wrote you a long response and instead of hitting reply I accidentally deleted it. And now I have to get Kids to bed. So I will answer you questions another day give me 72 hours to get back to you. I won’t fo get.

Goddess Cybele’s specialty, She doesn’t really have one per se. The Romans had lots of Gods and Goddesses for every possible request, The Goddess Cybele was more of a general go to for everything Goddess.


Ok, Here is the ritual I use. I evoke and invite the Goddess Cybele. I don’t “summon” her because you wouldn’t call your Mom on the phone an summon her she would probably start laughing her head off. Like wise if you wanted to ask your Grandma for something you wouldn’t summon her either. She’d probably think you are being rude at least my Grandma would.

Since I usually do this ritual just before dawn (because on a daily basis that’s when the veil btwn the worlds is thinnest) when I greet the directions I start in the south and go clockwise so I end up facing east. That way I don’t have to read in the dark. Also I greet the elements separately from the directions because different systems assign the the elements and directions differently. I also do this ritual at the new moon and I adjust accordingly.

Oh, I almost always do my rituals outdoors and (weather permitting) barefoot.

Great Goddess Cybele Magna Mater, I greet, honor, worship you. (pour libation on the ground)

Spirit of the South, I greet you.
Spirit of the West, I greet you.
Spirit of the North, I greet you.
Spirit of the East, I greet you.
Spirit of the Sky, I greet you.
Spirit of Mother Earth I greet you.
Spirit Within, I greet you.

Spirits of the Air I greet you.
Spirit of the Water, I greet you.
Spirit of Fire, I greet you.
Spirit of Mother Earth I greet you again.

Ancestors I greet you.
Spirit Helpers I greet you.
Guardian Angel I greet you.
Trees I greet and All the Forest Plants I greet you.
Animals of the Forest, Birds of the air and fish in the water I greet you.
All the Forest and Nature spirits, I greet you. (pour libation on the ground)

Great Goddess Cybele, Blessed Mother, I evoke you Pause and sense her presence
Thank you coming here to my ritual and Thank you for all you have given me.

Here is where I do my magical work.

Then I usually end my magical work with:
I ask for the best Spirit Helpers who are qualified to help me in every phase of my life.
Blessed Mother Bless myself and my family surround us all with your loving protection. Thank you for being here for my ritual.

Birds of the air, Aimals of the forest, and Fish of the lake thank you for coming Trees and all the Forest Plants thank you for coming. Forest and all the Nature Spirits thank you for coming
Guardian Angel thank you for coming
Spirit Helpers thank you for coming
All my Ancestors Thank you

Spirit of the South, thank you for coming.
Spirit of the West, thank you for coming.
Spirit of the North, thank you for coming.
Spirit of the East,thank you for coming.
Spirit of the Sky thank you for coming.
Spirit of Mother Earth thank you for coming.
Spirit Within,thank you for coming.

Spirits of the Air, thank you for coming.
Spirit of the Water, thank you for coming.
Spirit of Fire,thank you for coming.
Spirit of Mother Earth thank you again. (pour libation on the ground)

So that’s it. You Know I guess I don’t usually cast a circle although I feel very protected.


I’ve read somewhere that the demons are often closer to the actual energetic sources than their deified masks. I think Kurtis Joseph mentioned this regarding the Divs and their Hindu counterparts.

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“Steadfastness to family and with goodwill toward my all gives me a a sense of satisfaction”. I like that.

All my blessings …

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I’ve never heard that. Sounds interesting. I’ll look up Kurtis Joseph and see what he says. I haven’t heard of that author before.

Blessings to you too. :slight_smile: Have a great day.

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I shall try this method. Thank you for the information :slight_smile:

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That is a very beautiful ritual.

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Thanks so much! I appreciate the positive feedback. I really do.

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