Questions and Concerns for EA

These questions are directed at EA, but anyone who has any knowledge on the questions is obviously welcome to put in their two cents. Let’s just keep the clutter out.

  1. I don’t know how many people here have pointed it out, but the Mastering Divination workbook was lacking. It didn’t have the Straight Arrow spread, there was no chicken bones, etc. It wasn’t fleshed out. You say that there will be 100+ pages of rituals, etc. in the Mastering Evocation course workbook, but is that guaranteed?

It’s not that I won’t buy the course because the workbook isn’t good, but that workbook is helpful.

  1. The Mastering Divination course was originally guaranteed to have the entire method for working with Chicken Bones in a Vodoun paradigm, but it wasn’t there. There was no Chicken Bones section at all. Will that same thing happen in the Mastering Evocation course? Are certain parts of the Mastering Evocation course going to be left out for whatever reason?

See, I’m raising these concerns because the information you are guaranteeing for us is staggering to say that least, and I am EXTREMELY grateful that this is coming to light, but is this all going to be delivered and fleshed out?

  1. The Mastering Divination course was 9.3 hours long. That is barely “9+ hours”, though technically it is. I’m hoping that the Mastering Evocation won’t be 15.2 hours long when “15+ hours” is being promised.

These questions are not being accusatory or trying to put down the courses that you are putting out. In fact, I love the Mastering Divination course and I am continuing to work through it.

Here are my throughts on your concerns about the Chicken Bones. This form of Divination would fall under Cleromancy. Cleromancy is taught in the Mastering Divination Course, though with another Divination System i.e. Tarot.
But once you understand how to utilize your spiritual senses to read Tarot, you can take that understanding and learn how to use any other form of Cleromancy, Chicken Bones being one of them.
I think E.A. metioned a couple of times that it’s important to focus on the underlying system rather than on the specifics. It’s the “teach a man how to fish”-approach I think, which is very efficient in my view. Besides that, I’m not even sure that it’s possible to use Chicken Bones effectively without being initiated in the tradition.

No. I know it does fall under that, but according to EA the bones don’t work unless blessed by each of the specific Vodoun Lwa. He claimed that he would teach the method and that implies that it works outside of the tradition of Vodoun.

  1. I don’t know how many people here have pointed it out, but the Mastering Divination workbook was lacking. It didn’t have the Straight Arrow spread, there was no chicken bones, etc. It wasn’t fleshed out. You say that there will be 100+ pages of rituals, etc. in the Mastering Evocation course workbook, but is that guaranteed?

Yes, the workbook is a pretty hefty workbook. I definitely did understand that everyone could have used a better workbook for the Divination Course, and when I end up redoing the Divination Course altogether, I’ll rectify that book at that time, but as I move forward, the workbooks will be pretty intense.

  1. The Mastering Divination course was originally guaranteed to have the entire method for working with Chicken Bones in a Vodoun paradigm, but it wasn’t there. There was no Chicken Bones section at all. Will that same thing happen in the Mastering Evocation course? Are certain parts of the Mastering Evocation course going to be left out for whatever reason?

I’m not sure that Chicken Bones were guaranteed. I just looked over the sales page, and I’m not seeing even a mention to the Chicken Bones. In order to use them, you most definitely do need to become initiated into the Vodoun current, and become possessed by very specific Loa. I definitely would have liked to get into the Bones in the course, but there’s not much I could teach you about them without putting them into the Vodoun context, so I may have mentioned somewhere that I wanted to put that in the course, but a guarantee? I’m not so sure.

I mentioned the Chicken Bones in relation to the Mastering Divination Course only as a reference to a more obscure form of Cleromancy. I apologize if my excitement when I speak about these things obscures the details from time to time.

As far as what you’ll see in the evocation course: The prerelease video that Timothy just put up was made long after the entire course was finished with postproduction. So, the information I give in that video is NOT a series of things I’d like to include in the course, but is a reflection of the course itself.

As always, though, if you’re not satisfied with any of my products, they all come with a complete refund guarantee.

  1. The Mastering Divination course was 9.3 hours long. That is barely “9+ hours”, though technically it is. I’m hoping that the Mastering Evocation won’t be 15.2 hours long when “15+ hours” is being promised.

How many more hairs shall we attempt to split? 9.3 hours is 9+ hours. 9.5 probably would have been called 9 and a half hours, and if it was 9.8 we probably would have said, “Almost 10 hours.” That being said, I’m in the process right now of cataloging every minute of the Course, and with all of the edits I’m not exactly sure what the final time came out to be, but I’m going to be surprised if it isn’t quite a bit over 15 hours.

Now, all of this being said, I thank you for your continuing support, and I’d like to take a moment to congratulate both Timothy and myself. You see, the first camcorder I ever purchased was a year ago to make the Mastering Divination Course. I bought a lighting and greenscreen package from amazon, and rented out a tiny office space with barely enough room for the camcorder, myself, and the table. I purchased a new computer to edit video on, I collected and made tons of divination tools that I haven’t used for in some cases over a decade, refreshed my abilities with them, and put together a damn good Divination Course, having never even attempted anything like this before.

Timothy has also been able to adapt in extreme ways to attract a LOT of people into what used to be a very closed market, and find innovative ways to give as much away as we possibly can, to keep our prices reasonable, and still make enough of a profit to allow us to continue to expand.

Now, as I look through the Mastering Evocation Course in these last stages before it is released, I’m pretty impressed with what we have been able to do with this Course. There is so much information in it, live ritual demonstration, both me performing solo, as well as full group evocations. Personal instruction in aspects of evocation that most people don’t even know exist, but that are essential!

I’m not sure if you’ve been following my youtube video blogs, but I invite you to check these out.

This first one was filmed pretty much right before I start filming the Mastering Divination Course. I used a DIY editing program for the green screen, the audio is barely audible, and you can hear the air-static louder than you can hear me. I look like I haven’t seen the sunlight for centuries, and it’s not really clear where my skin ends and the fuzziness around me begins.

[url=]- YouTube

Now, check out this one below, which I actually filmed in the same day as I filmed parts of the Evocation Course. I edited this using professional video editing software, I shot it with a 720p camera (working on getting a true 1080p, but there are certain functions it must have which most don’t), I’m using Sehnhauser audio equipment, and the planning, organization, and delivery of the entire thing has skyrocketed.

[url=]- YouTube

So, again, I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed the Mastering Divination Course, despite some flaws that can really be chalked up to no one having done anything like this EVER, leaving me to fumble around and figure it out. As you can see from the above example, if THIS is any example of how much we’ve developed in the last 6-12 months, with exponential growth factored, where we’re going to be in the next couple of years is ridiculous to consider. The Mastering Evocation Course is leaps and bounds beyond what was even possible for the Divination Course, and the Soul Travel Course will likely humble the hell out of the Evocation Course when it is finished, and so on and so again.

Finally, again, thank you for your support. I’m glad that your complaints about the Divination Course aren’t acting as obstacles for you to be able to enjoy and make use of the exponential expansion of our ability to deliver the most effective spiritual practices in the most efficient and accessible manner possible!

Thank you very much EA.

I can definitely appreciate the hard work and effort that goes into the courses and the amount of innovation that is going on with this movement. This is definitely the first of its kind.

You have very much guaranteed that I will be getting the Mastering Evocation course when it comes out.

Again EA, thank you very much.

LOL…I love this shit! All of it. I can understand WP’s view from a clients point of view, and I can most certainly understand EA’s view as a business owner.

Now, I’m not judging either of these guys at all. For me however, and I’m just speaking for myself now:

  1. I got the Divination Course strictly for the Tarot and was quite surprised to find some advanced techniques in section #6 & #7.

  2. Would it have been nice to have the production value “better”…yeah of course. But Jesus people, EA isn’t a fucking videographer/director…but he’s getting better at it! Funny thing how the production of the video and audio just kept getting better over time.

Guys, perhaps I need to remind us, for the material that we are getting at the price point…FUCK man!

I’ve said this SEVERAL times before. For what the community is getting Timothy and EA should be ashamed of themselves (heehee not really)!!! These guys have done MORE for the entire Magickal Community at large in the world I think than anybody else…EVER. I shared this is several threads before too - I’ve spent years and literally hundreds of fucking dollars getting nowhere. It’s frustrating. Accessibility was 0 ten years ago.


  1. We have a real community here of practicing Occultists from varying backgrounds.

  2. We have course materials at foolish prices (I’m not complaining EA/Timothy…I’m very grateful).

  3. EA and Timothy and A LOT of other practitioners have already made most if not ALL of the mistakes that I know for me, would’ve kept me guessing and wasting more time & money for another ten fucking years!

  4. Be gentle. This is a new business venture that literally NO ONE has EVER done. This is history. We take our Apple products for granted everyday don’t we? That technology wasn’t always kick-ass. The Newton and other products were ground breaking but were experiments too.

Not that BALG is an experiment per se, but, if EA and Timothy had a staff of 100 people, were heavily funded by Redwood Capital I’m sure this would be a completely different story.

But they don’t have to be and thankfully they are not! We would never get the materials at the price points offered.

No, I’m not a paid spokesperson for BALG, however I really like what we have here :slight_smile:

So, after making all of the cuts and edits that were necessary, we did end up with a little bit less runtime for the course, bringing it to about 13 hours. My goal is to always provide the most effective and reliable spiritual methods ever created, with the most efficient deliver possible, and this goal is epitomized with the Mastering Evocation Training Course!

I’ve also worked through the workbook one more time, keeping in mind the requests I’ve specifically received here on this forum to have a more comprehensive accompanying workbook, and at 181 pages of instructions, rituals, and spirit information, I’m confident that you’ll be impressed!

Please do continue to help me set new standards of excellence by telling me here what would make these training courses more valuable and more accessible. I sincerely appreciate your taking the time and effort to personally engage in helping me fine-tune my skills and presentation!

thanx EA

You have no idea what this course means to me. I have been awaiting this moment for over some 15 plus years. All I had with me for awhile was/is Lon Milo Duquettes revision of AC Illustrated Goetia in paperback. For so long I kept reading it and re-reading thinking how will I ever pull this off. And so all these years have passed on. So many opportunities missed, until now. So thank you again.

Many thanks for the update EA! Of course, the lessened hours won’t deter me from taking part in this course!

See you on the seventeenth!

Ya know,

I really have to say publicly that I truly believe that both EA and Timothy have a LOT of class.

It floors me to see how engaging EA is. He came back to THIS particular post to not address/answer WP’s questions, but, to also let all of us know that we are a very big part of this.

Yes, the business of the business is EA & Timothy’s, but the artistry and material from their hard work the forum community gets to experience, shape, and implement into our lives. We are co-creating reality. Just like Azazel mentioned to EA.



Awesome to hear the updates, E.A. This last week of waiting is definitely the hardest! Lol. Oh, and in case anyone is somehow disappointed that the ME course won’t be 15 hours, but instead 13…please keep in mind that that is STILL FOUR MORE HOURS than the MD course. God only knows what that four extra hours can cover.