Questions about the 72 Challenge; advice/insight would be appreciated :)

Hey all,

I was wondering if, in your opinion, the 72 challenge should be left off until after one has gotten fairly decent at evocation, or if it would be a good way to develop evocation skills? I’ve only recently started evoking and cannot discern my own imagination from spirit communication when its in my head. I have seen a few things in the physical and can feel energy, but its all very new for me.

Also, I would like to hear people’s ideas about what “unlocking parts of your mind” actually means, in theory or from direct experience, if anyone would be keen on sharing.

Thank you!


It Is an awesome thing to discover which one is more attuned to your own energy and to whom the communication is easier. There is but a lot of time and effort needed.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

I’ve got a lot of time rn, courtesy of corona and the nature of my work, but it won’t last for much longer. My worry is that I’ll “evoke” them all but make a mess of it and not actually get through/unlock anything :thinking:

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I’m one of the people who did the 72 challenge and in fact my first official evocation was for the 72 challenge. But I took it further and that’s why it’s still ongoing. What I mean is that I haven’t limited it only on the 72 but I took it for all deities too. Thing is that all entities and not just the 72 are a part of your mind and so they can unlock what they represent.


be cautious and careful with grounding. I completed the challenge with demons and their angels in august and today where I am, I am really not sure it was such a damned good idea. I knew the amount of time I did it in as well as other factors around the intensive were risky and I could get lost. I’d already worked with most of the demons, so meh thought I was really only meeting angels and asking for unlocks. Thought I handled it with finesse, I mean hell, It was a month before shit hit the fan.

Now I am lost so shrugs. Proceed with awareness and caution.


I’ve yet to do the challenge myself, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Evocation is a skill, and all skills require practice to excell with them. So, in theory, it likely would be a great way to improve your evocation. I woukd just be sure to take the usual precautions to prevent imposters. And definitely keep up with the grounding. That was my biggest challenge when I was evoking the nine demonic gatekeepers at once, as well as Samael and his consorts.


Very cool, thank you :slight_smile:
Did you feel like you actually got through to them when you were first starting?

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I can’t even imagine this.

Thank you :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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I’m very sorry about the loss of your precious Luna. I hope you can find some comfort soon :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

Thank you for the words of cautions; I do have some concerns about this. Cheers xx

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I was lucky enough and with my first evocation (Bael) I got my 3rd eye unblocked so to say, so yes. But try to get into trance first is possible, I went a bit further than basic trance.


Oh yeah, that was a trip lol. And no problem.

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I never completed my Challenge, only got about 10 in, but I recommend taking it slow, starting with only one evocation every few days to let the opening of the mind aspect take root. As you gain momentum, you can work up to evoking every day, but it can be a huge undertaking so take little bites when first starting out.


Thank you :slight_smile:
I will take this to heart, especially considering the cautions about grounding.


I’ve recently been thinking that I might take the Challenge up again so this thread popping up was kind of a “WTH?” moment for me lol


Selfishly I encourage this because I can learn from it :sweat_smile:
Actually, a lot of people could learn from it.
How is your angel work going?


Slowly, and a bit lacklustre at the moment.

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Which 72? The Ars Goetia? The Shemhamephorash? The Ars Theurgia Goetia?

I’ve path worked through the first two, and it did some cool stuff for me. An evocation a day 6 days a week until it was done…

In any case, in reference to your main question, it really depends on the goal of why you want to pathwork through them.

I think you should go for it. You are more ready then you think you are. So now it’s time to leap off the cliff. Just listen to yourself while doing it and cleanse, ground And self care as you needed it.


I started with the Z’s and worked backwards. I think I stopped at the Purson when my work with Pele and Abaddon began. Belial wanted to “overwatch” and to help set the pacing. I didn’t do one a night. I’d ready a list of four or five, wherever he suggested stopping at, and did them one after the other. I’d also wait until he suggested to do the next batch, so I wouldn’t “overachieve”.

Some came faster than others. Some were almost hostile, which threw me off. Some appeared as female (I believe it was Vine. If have to look).

There were three questions I asked each one.
Will you unlock the part of my mind you’re associated with?

Will you help with my Ascent?

Is there anything else I should know or work on?I

Didn’t have a lot of evocation experience when I started, which was why Belial helped with the pacing (and my confidence at the time). It’s an unfinished task in my ledger and I’d like to complete it at some point.


When you reach out to deities, do you evoke them the same way you would evoke a demon/angel? Or do you utilize different approaches based on the culture/magickal system the deity/spirit is associated with?

@anon39079500 thank you for sharing this :slight_smile:
Maybe I should reach out to Lilith/Lucifer :thinking: