Questioning the reliability of channeling

So lately I’ve stumbled upon the blog of a woman and the things she writes about have completely stunned me. She calls herself a psychic and she supposedly performs channeling and automatic writing. It’s been nearly 10 years that she writes that she has contacts with Egyptian gods and some other gods from other pantheons. She says that the gods would have told her that they will soon PHYSICALLY manifest to her, as she believes they are aliens that will soon land on earth. She talks a lot about the grey, the annunaki etc and she believes that she is soon to be queen of the world. She talks a lot about aliens and she takes videos of the stars in the sky… Apparently she thinks that one of the stars is inhabited by the gods and that they will soon be landing on earth. She rambles endlessly about how much she is looking forward their space ship to land on earth so she can finally leaves with them… She says that archangel Gabriel or Michael is telling her to think about the space ship and that the time will come for her to rule… My question is who could be sending her these messages exactly?? I highly doubt that an archangel or a god like Horus or Anubis truly told her that they will land in her garden with a space ship to pick her up… But she’s been rambling about that for years! Her blog is pretty unknown, completely forsaken and not in English. She has like just 30 friends on Facebook so I don’t think she’s writing that just for attention. Then who is sending her all these messages? And what IS their point? This is seriously turning me off from learning spirit communication…

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What a nutjob. I wouldn’t trust her to tell me what year it is.

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well aliens do exist and spirits can physically manifest, thats a thing.

what exactly is she saying? would you link it please?

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Nagatex this was not written in English and I’ve just found out she’s removed the site (maybe because I’ve confronted her by email). I know that aliens do exist and that Gods can physically manifest but she truly believes that they live somewhere on a star in the sky and that they will soon land on earth with a space ship. She went as far as buying shower gel for the Gods, for the day they will visit her home… Then she thinks she will leave the earth with them in their space ship. So I’m seriously wondering who is sending her all these messages? She gets them through channeling and automatic writing…

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She sounds like a basket case. She could very well be channeling but I doubt it’s the gods. Probably just some asshole spirit trying to fuck with her and the people dumb enough to buy into her BS.

The existence of bad cooks wouldn’t turn you off from eating though, right? :wink:

What I’m getting at is that your own power is about YOU, not someone doing it in a way that sounds a lot like some kind of car-crash…

On the other hand, I was told that many people will be getting essentially the same information, soon, about spirits having, at the least, more connection and presence in this realm, something E.A. mentioned in a recent video as well.

As for her being whatever she claims, I attempted to give an explanation, of what I have found to be the reason some people go off the deep end, here.

(I’m actually the Queen Of The World, but it’s okay, you don’t need to worry about it folks! :stuck_out_tongue: )