Question for the norse pagans

Has anyone worked with the jötnar? I’ve worked with the gods but I’m curious about the more primeval forces. What were your experiences? Would you consider it more dangerous? Thanks in advance.


Jotnar are Gods too, they are equivalent to Primordials and Titans, just as the Aesir has their primordial parentage and so do the Vanir.

Also no not more dangerous, simply more primal in the sense they embody the chaotic aspect of nature. Like any group of Gods treat with respect and you’ll be respected. Although I find they don’t like faltering.


I’ve asked this on certain Facebook groups and have received a lot of lip from people because of it. The jötnar are supposedly hel bent on the destruction of the world but that’s not how I see it. I feel like they respect the world more than they respect its inhabitants. humans are the true destroyers of the world in my opinion. It’s hard to find anything truly enlightening on anything norse let alone the jötnar


I have and I’ll admit I was afraid at first. Loki and his family brought much wisdom into my life and Hel has saved my ass on many occasions even if I am impatient.

Surtur is an excellent deity for attack and i recently met Ymir who gave me an exercise to do.

This is mt limited experience with the Jotun. Like @anon48079295 said, they’re Gods too. They’re not as say “chaotic” as the Greek Primordials but more elemental in nature.


when I brought up Fenrir once it was something that wasn’t taken lightly. Many Pagans today are following their beliefs mixed with JCI.same for Hindus.

EA covers this well


Yes and it’s VERY worth it. They can also teach the concept of spiritual ice which is very interesting to say the least. They can also teach glamour magick and how to manipulate others with magick.

Definitely explore the different groups, it’s helpful


The one primordial entity I’m currently aiming to meet soon is Auðumbla she’s not a jotun but she was there within Ginnungagap with the first primordial Jotun Ymir and primordial Aesir. (Currently also trying for figure out the primordial Vanir, leaning towards Freyr and Freya’s father and mother Njörd and Netherus)


Freyia Norling has a cool video about the giants:

If I remember correctly there is evidence that the giants used to recieve offerings and what not way back.

Throwing this in too


We Stan freyja


Lmao, that goddamn spell check got me again…

Meant Freyia Norling