Question for Black Magicians

Hello Fellow Black Magicians, and Fellow Practitioners on the Left Hand Path!

On my last post, I wrote about my magical prowess being not up to par. Well, very happy to say, after that last post, my powers returned to the fold! I’m still happy, and eager, as I hold the powers in after some success, biding my time, and just waiting for the right opportunity to use my power, and attain any goal I want!

Okay, so, with so much power and potential revving up like an engine on this great forum, I thought I might ask one more question.

Was wondering, is there anyway, preferably with psi balls, or psionically, under the influence of Black Magic and the Left Hand Path, to make someone show a photograph on their online wall? This is my question.

Thanks everyone here in advance, this is a very powerful well of knowledge, and it is great to read it, and to even acquire it this way.

Heil and Respect! Let’s not go down! Never surrender!

[quote=“occultmagician, post:1, topic:9156”]Hello Fellow Black Magicians, and Fellow Practitioners on the Left Hand Path!

On my last post, I wrote about my magical prowess being not up to par. Well, very happy to say, after that last post, my powers returned to the fold! I’m still happy, and eager, as I hold the powers in after some success, biding my time, and just waiting for the right opportunity to use my power, and attain any goal I want!

Okay, so, with so much power and potential revving up like an engine on this great forum, I thought I might ask one more question.

Was wondering, is there anyway, preferably with psi balls, or psionically, under the influence of Black Magic and the Left Hand Path, to make someone show a photograph on their online wall? This is my question.

Thanks everyone here in advance, this is a very powerful well of knowledge, and it is great to read it, and to even acquire it this way.

Heil and Respect! Let’s not go down! Never surrender![/quote]
There are ways to influence ones thoughts. Though, what technique Im not sure.
Ive used psi balls but not for that.

if i was looking for that kind of influence, i’d do one or two things

since BM is all about fun

  1. having in mind techniques from Charles Cosimano (plenty on youtube and free books)

have a flashlight with the inscribtion of intent “show your facebook wall” (you write that on the flashlight, and on the batteries :slight_smile: and simply direct light on the photo of the victim. (influencee) haha

  1. i’d look for a specific demon, and in Kingdoms of Flames there is a mind influencing spirit that can sorround victim with hundreds of spirits whispering this one statement of intent until he/she does it (or goes KABOOM)

Sorry bahamuthat, Charles Cosimano is not what he says he is. He has never shown any proof of his “powers.” If you want the real scoop on him, look to this website "mystery history T.V., the article title being “Charles Cosimano or evil uncle chucky claims to control minds with his flashlight powers.” Look at the comments, they are very telling. The man is living in poverty, supported by his wife’s meager money. He has all kinds of illnesses, including diabetes, alcoholism, heart problems, and takes a lot of medicines. I know people who know him, he has never gotten any results from his own work. Sorry