Question about Love

Okay, that makes sense. I thought those meditation videos were full of it.

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Sometimes people mistake other emotions for love, though. For example, there was a psychology experiment done at a suspension bridge where they had an attractive woman interview people before they crossed the bridge, and then again after they crossed, and the nervousness and anxiety they had felt when crossing the bridge they attributed to the woman instead of the height of the bridge.

Granted, what the participants felt wasn’t love, but they thought it was at least attraction.


Yeah, I was just trying to understand what it feels like, as I was confused about that. I thought it was more so a “I care about you” – therefore a “I love you”. And not a literal emotion.

Of course this is also coming from the same person that for like 10 years didn’t believe in love…so…


Apparently, a dog’s brain releases the same chemicals when they look at their owner that a human’s brain does when experiencing love so it is indeed a genuine emotion, and not one limited to humans.


Yeah, I have a dog. He definitely loves me/the family. He does a happy pizz whenever I come home from a long day, lol.

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Well all emotions are not equal in magnitude and you can’t downplay love that easy mate. And yes EVERYTHING IS A CHEMICAL reaction in the brain. The flesh is a vessel for the spirit to experience. It has nothing to do with the ori

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Love does not begin in the brain a magician you should know this

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Yes it does :joy:

That’s why it can be induced through chemical manipulation lol


So magick also begins in the brain? The chemicals produced are Jus signs that something innate is brewing and when you do most things these chemicals will be produced in different amounts etc.

I can just say that magick is just a chemical reaction that bla bla(because most magick thrives on emotion.(energy in motion))

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Lol Everything in this physical existence is a brain

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Dude, most magick doesn’t require emotion at all. Emotional driven rituals are just a small pool in the vast ocean of rituals available.

And yes, everything is a brain state, and any brain state can be reproduced. It’s basic neuroscience and has been proven in research. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t provide our own significance to the states we experience.


Unless you know of something that can transcend that. We are meant to experience through something lol. Lol even when you gain contact with your higher or divine self while still in flesh. Scientists can still measure the levels of speaking in your head.
That’s a tiny lens to look from

Levels of dopamine

I just don’t get it. What is there to prove. I feel like people drag down things to a low level and its pathetic.

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Let’s keep the thread on topic please.

Lol when you walk eat dance move around chemicals get released in your head Do you need to prove that. Just because you experience these things through the same platform doesn’t mean they are of a similar intensity or magnitude

Lol when you sing chemicals get produced when Beyonce sings chemicals get produced .unless Beyonce produces -Theta dopamine-:joy:

Love is divine.

What’s out of topic?

No, it’s not a “tiny lens.” It actually helps to understand a lot. The fact that everything is a brain state means that you can literally create your own reality, just as every spiritual traditional throughout history has ever taught. It means that, through the memory of any state of being you have ever experienced, you can replicate that state at will. If you want to be happy, bringing the memory of a time when you experienced happiness into your body, will cause your brain to produce the necessary chemicals and you will then be happy.

The body is one of the keys to magick and it opens up vast storehouse to explore. It’s not just a meat suit to carry around our spirit.


It sounded like the topic was being derailed to chemical reactions on ritual work vs the original topic being what love FEELS like…not in reference to ritual work/etc.

I just wanted to know if love was a feeling/emotion.

Well if that was the case people would just, sit in their houses and wait for death lol. WTF. Lol I could on a vacation somewhere nice. And come back to my place and whenever I want to induce that state again I just upload it in my frontal lobe or Sth and re-experience it till I die. Again tiny lens