Question about Evocation

Ok so I’m planning to evoke but i wanted to know if it’s ok for me to evoke from my bed while laying down in the night while my mom and grandma is sleeping on the bed next to me or should i evoke in the early morning or should i just use a pendulum?

Up this needs to go up


What do you mean?

When a comment is written in the post the post goes up so it stays the longer in the top so more cna see it, it’s an intresting question

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Awwww that’s so sweet of you thanks :blush:

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Either is fine. You may memorize a spirit’s sigil prior to lying on the bed or use only the name.
Call the entity with your mind, if you want it’s also possible to visualize its shape in front of the bed, thus creating “something” which he/she may sort of inhabit and use.
A drawback is in case you ask information or anyway a question: you would have to take note of the answer.

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Like a hooded figure shape?

@anon73484242 :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello my love! :sparkling_heart: My answer to this is going to be a resounding yes. I will often invoke my main Goddess while laying in my own bed and about to go to sleep.

Yes, there are rules within Magick we must follow - however the Gods/Deamons are so very understanding of our individual circumstances. With time, you’ll be able to hear their voice and their presence.


Thank you i really needed that. Sorry it’s just I’m really stressed right now

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@fapa79, yes, this would be a drawback for @anon73484242.

However, as @anon73484242 becomes stronger in their Magick, there will come a point where they can hear and invoke/evoke the Gods during the day. And in this case, you’d just carry around a small notebook.

I can certainly promise you, my loves :sparkling_heart:, this to works.


Big energy hugs coming your way! :hugs:

Everything will be fine.

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I’m a she and thank you so much for having hope in me that I’ll be able to do it. Awww hugs to you too ^^

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Thank you for letting me know, I didn’t want to assume gender/title. Learned from past experience.

:sparkling_heart: GODDESS MIDNIGHTSTAR :sparkling_heart:

Remember to take care of you!

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Oh I’m no goddess lol. I’m just a normal human girl but thanks :blush: and you are too a kind and beautiful goddess

@anon73484242…we become what we think we are.

Step up to the plate! Beauty is reflected in the soul. You’re more than what you think you are! :revolving_hearts:

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You may let an image come to your mind, visualize the entity as described for example in a grimoire or imagine it with a generic look (horns, bat wings etc. for demons, an elph or fairy for sylphs and so on).


So any image that comes to my mind ok then. Thanks :blush: