Many spells involve the crossroads, be it burying something at one or calling on the Black Man for fame or power. My question is, does the type of crossroads matter? As in, does it have to be the literal intersection of two manmade roads, or can one use the intersection of two naturally formed washes, or even the intersection of two deer trails?
As far as I Know, any crossroads work
Well, most crossroads tend to be man-made, even if it’s just two roads in the woods that have been paved, somebody had to cut those trees down. That said, any crossroads works, and in fact, most “natural” ones will work better than the asphalt one. Consult with your spirits, to see if the crossroad matters, as X crossroads and Y crossroads have different, though similar meanings for example.
Also, consult Papa Legba. He is the guardian of the crossroads both physical and astral/spiritual. Leave an offering of cigars and whiskey.
Crossroads in the case of magick tend to be like spots where currents of energy meet and split back up. Ussally leylines from what i understand of it. As such when you bury or do a ritual on the crossroads,rivers and such you are sending the energy gathered and formed by the ritual into the spirtual winds as ot were to be carried through the currents to shift people or events towards the purpose of the ritual.
After that you have places of power where many many lay lines meet. You’ll usually find a place of power there islf human inhabit the area a religious or political site ect.
All crossroads will work. Hekate/Hecate can assist you with information on crossroads. It is one of her specialities. I also see someone mentioned Papa Legba. He will work as well.
Good stuff, thanks guys. I this community… y’all are awesomesauce on steroids!
Good points all. My two cents is that the real point of the crossroads is the point in the middle that is “no place” - the intersection where all directions are equally in play. That’s where spirits associated with possibility and potential hang out.
Any crossroad works ,but it is most effective when it is in a much abandoned place .it can be a two intersecting trails ,roads ,footpath etc .
Whatever you choose the “black man” will meet you there .
I’ve learned there are some types of “crossroads”: the + crossroad (for road opening, balance), the T crossroads (male spirits), the Y crossroads (female spirits), and * those in which many paths intersect (chaos).
i believe that it’s not physical more metaphysical like our plan crossing with theres like the void or astral plane. if that makes sense
I have a similar problem. But there are just stupid intersections where people are constantly going and there is no privacy. I wonder if I could create my own intersection, I would dig the ground and spill it with sand. If it worked it would be ideal. What do you think?
Try finding one in a wood.
I’m not sure, maybe give it a try and report back? Personally I would try to go out as far from the city as you can to get away from people… there are still many intersections and naturally formed crossroads out in the desert and forest that are perfect for this sort of thing.
Yea.I was today in the morning to look at one crossroads and it is perfect in terms of loneliness. It’s in nature and it’s abandoned just do not know if it is good type of intersection. This crossroads on the right side is in the shape of Y and to the left it intersects into a shape + because the bottom is actually a brook as a crossroad. So I’m gonna try this junction.
I work in a typical urban downtown area. Skyscrapers and all that. Interestingly though, around the edges, there are a lot of places where development just stops and there are a surprising number of abandoned crossroads. Often in between parking lots that are run by investors waiting for their next shot to build a skyscraper on them. I would not go out and stand in such a crossroads for any period of time, and I would be very careful to only choose one for any work that is on a safe side of town. But since they are generally used for parking anyway, nobody minds or even notices if a car parks there for a little while -
I see that place and just wanna do some hardcore ritual on them shits!
The same here. Even to dispose an offering or remnants of works is an issue. In some places it is considered a crime and people can be fined for that. And it doesn’t please me to let offerings to be crushed by cars. It seems disrespectful.
I’ve read some people do “crossroads” with poppy seeds (or another one) in their own yards to place offerings. As I live in a downtown apartment I don’t have much options.
In fact “real” crossroads have power because the amount of people that crossed it along the time. The thing is, as people cross them, the dead also. Fake crossroads don’t have power. It is not all about intention.