Question about Astral Projection:

It’s my way of compartmentalizing it.

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I accomplish this by gate walking.

Astral projection

Tbh it’s an exhausting topic because nobody can agree on the definition. I travel while dreaming and meditating. Used to do it on psilocybin back in the day. It’s all noteworthy and I’ll leave it at that.

I like to stay in my mentalscape when asleep cause weird shit happens that becomes useful later on lol.

As for the various forms of projection I started doing through meditation now after a few years I can almost switch by will.

I can understand that. I started projecting when I got into vampirism several years ago. For me it was a wild experience.

I didn’t get into traveling to other planes until I started working with the necronomicon. Then I moved on to other grimoires that utilize gate walking as means to get to different planes.

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I started after I got into energy manipulation and my few years of working with the infernal nation then I cut ties with the goetia and what not and projection took a back seat as I started focusing on using my practice to enhance my physical goals lol.

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it’s curious how traditions within the hunter/gatherer societies believed the spirit world to be external from the person but when we moved into agriculture/horticulture societies the emphasis started leaning very heavily on inner worlds.

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To me, it’s both external and internal.

there’s dreamscape which is near you or inside you, which is the subconscious collective, then there are layers and different stages of projection or OBE/sub-planes which brings you closer to astral, then astral, also collective unconscious

then there’s deep subconscious, which is deeper than subconscious collective in YOUR dreamscape

it’s very difficult to determine as there are mental space and astral time involved distorting things

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Astral copies of physical objects. I really had enough of that. When Astaroth took me to “hell” i had a “hell phone” that is an astral copy of my cell phone that had all these messed up apps on it. And also I was actually sleep walking for days.

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often times when i rattle to exhaustion i’ll lay down or take a posture and close my eyes and move to the point of just about to go to sleep and i’ll re-awake, with my eyes closed i’ll be within tunnels or landscapes i can move within but still feel myself in the physical world. other times when i go to sleep in my bed, i’ll realize that im asleep while in a dream and suddenly feel my body in bed for an instant and then become lucid in the dream. what the place looks like, or what happens during the journey are irrelevant to it being astral projection or lucid dreaming the one and only factor ive ever found that connects the two is whether you have the ability to bring your senses (touch,hear) into the journey or not. that imo is the line on the ground of whether its a astral projection or lucid dream. i just made that up i have no idea if thats the actually true, but i think thats how it works for me.

Out of curiosity did you find the phase of the moon influenced your projections or ability to project?

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Never had a connection for me

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Ok me either I was just curious, thanks.

It doesn’t effect my ability to project but I keep up with the lunar cycle for particular workings.

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Right on just curious what your experience was.